College common application essay
Research Essay Topics On Heavy Metal
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Academic Purposes English
Question: Does recruiting an occasion organizer guarantee the achievement of the occasion? Answer: Occasion organizers are the experts who design and execute enormous scope occasions, for example, shows, shows, celebrations, formal gatherings, services, meetings or shows. This procedure of occasion creation and advancement through cautious arranging and coordination is alluded as occasion arranging or occasion the executives. Accordingly exposition will manage the inquiry does recruiting an occasion organizer to guarantee the achievement of the occasion? As I would see it, it is important to recruit an occasion organizer to make the occasion effective and essential. These experts apply their abilities and coordinations to deal with all the perspectives identified with recreational, relaxation, amusement and recreational occasions as indicated by the subject matter. They productively manage scene choice, seller coordination, occasion promoting, planning, convenience, transportation, floor the board, innovative structure, and numerous others. Their experience and tremendous informat ion help in getting thundering achievement. A few people feel that there is no need of employing an occasion organizer to make it fruitful (Wahab et al. 2014). Presently the inquiry emerges that would they say they are fit for conveying what they need to accomplish from the occasion? No, it is preposterous except if the individual in question have all the administrative and organizing aptitudes that an occasion organizer has. Then again, Event organizers have innovative style and are extremely composed on their work with an eye for detail. Proficient occasion organizers are profoundly knowledgeable about their individual territories (Hall et al. 2012). They have assembled solid and confided involved with the providers, merchants, and partners required for an effective occasion. As indicated by Silvers and Goldblatt (2012), those associations and gatherings are effective who team up with others; delineate every one of their partners; screen and measure their demeanor and commitment; and keep up a decent connection with them. Fo r instance, arranging an unrecorded music show requires managing the advertisers who books the groups and arranges the presentation contracts. It envelops various duties, for example, booking the scene, advancing the band or a gig through online networking, radio or papers, sifting through the gear behind the stage. They are very much aware of the zones where cost can be decreased and admirably plan the financial plan. This sets aside the customers cash (Lee 2014). The equivalent may not be the situation when a standard individual needs to oversee such occasions themselves. They don't have comparative working together aptitudes. They may wind up in a money related misfortune with over costs because of the little system of confided in providers and sellers (Yeoman et al. 2012). Thusly, without recruiting the occasion organizer, it is hard to fill the need of the occasion effectively. Occasion the board requires understanding and information notwithstanding ability (Silvers and Goldbl att 2012). Without rehearsing occasion arranging at an expert level, individual may fizzle in their exertion. Despite what might be expected, recruiting occasion organizers guarantees accomplishment as in light of the fact that after some time, they increase huge experience and information with respect to shows and meetings (Getz 2012). They are refreshed with the most recent patterns, brilliant planning techniques, hot hues, freshest settings, lighting hardware, changing open decisions about stage dcor and structures. They endeavor to address every one of these components (Lee 2014). They have the correct mentality which guarantees achievement. Directly from the day of the occasions origination to incorporating it, the organizer plays out all the exercises identified with the occasion in a sensible and consecutive way. Proficient occasion organizers are brilliant in dissecting danger and privileged insights to relieve them in a cool way (Palmer 2013). Individuals who are not specialists in thi s field may have a similar measure of information yet not equivalent experience. They will neglect to locate the correct provider for the occasion (Matthews 2015). They can't convey the errands with a similar flawlessness as the occasion organizers. They face uncommon circumstance being not ready for hazard the board. Information and data through books and the web be that as it may, doesn't give understanding. Such individuals don't know about the moral, lawful and monetary issues that may emerge during occasion arranging and approaches to handle (Winkelmann et al. 2016). Therefore, the occasion will be fruitless as they neglect to keep the circumstance from turning out badly. The experience will help in achieving flawlessness. The achievement of an occasion likewise relies upon arranging and time the executives. Non-proficient occasion organizers have a disposition of it isn't too difficult to be in any way an organizer and it is this easygoing quality that brings disappointment (Preston 2012). They need abilities to finish, affirm and check all the errands before the occasion is conveyed and wind up being ineffective. Time the board turns out to be progressively troublesome when an individual is occupied with an all day work alongside close to home duties. Thus, it duplicates the feelings of anxiety as they can't devote themselves completely towards the occasion arranging (Getz 2012). Then again, an expert occasion trough is devoted towards their work, as it is their activity all things considered. They guarantee on time conveyance of occasion and inside financial plan (Alexander et al. 2012). The occasion organizers help their customers stay tranquil by assuming all the liability on their shoulders. They capably lead the specialized team, by dispersing them the occasions course of events. The organizers distribute the separate undertakings of the crewmembers, hand-off the fundamental data and guarantee that everybody carefully adheres to the given guidelines. All that the customer needs to do is kick back and appreciate the occasion (Yeoman et al. 2012). In this way, it is important to enlist the occasion organizer as opposed to overseeing ourselves. Advertising of occasion is fruitful just if occasion organizers are recruited. The householders or low maintenance laborers don't have incredible showcasing abilities required in an occasion. The achievement of the occasion relies upon the classification of the event and degree of its showcasing (Preston 2012). For instance, corporate occasions, item special occasions, sports or some other mindfulness related event do require showcasing (Silvers and Goldblatt 2012). Likewise, these occasions have an alternate list of attendees. Henceforth, to guarantee all the ideal and well known visitors turn up for the reason, exposure is must (Wahab et al. 2014). It incorporates refreshing the internet based life, promoting through papers or radio, banner structuring, and logo planning. Visual fashioners are enrolled for the errand of amassing pictures and typography (Palmer 2013). An occasion organizer is constantly arranged with applicable apparatuses, information, and huge system to acquire a thundering achievement (Preston 2012). By recruiting the occasion organizer, cu stomers meet the chance to do viable systems administration and recalled by the visitors for a long haul. It is the occasion organizer who does all the truly difficult work, so that, the customers get the chance to build up a positive impression according to their visitor. Thus, they make the occasion effective (Hall et al. 2012). Decisively, recruiting the occasion organizer guarantees the achievement of the occasion. The exposition has introduced a few advantages that individuals get by employing proficient occasion organizers. It is apparent from the conversation that the achievement of the occasion relies upon the expert occasion directors. Individuals who would prefer not to employ occasion organizers, must consider the above-talked about variables, the geniuses, and cons, and have comparable ascribes to figure out how to pull it off. In any case, it is beyond the realm of imagination, as one must commit totally to accomplish comparative experience, information, innovative energy, hierarchical and administration abilities as that of the expert occasion organizers. Accordingly they can't make the occasion effective. If I somehow managed to oversee occasion I can't perform task arranging, time the board, asset the executives and money the executives so legitimately as experts. It is no advanced science, and one can develop these abilities just by complete dedication to their work and contributing time. Proficient organizers, in contrast to the normal open, have tremendous experience increased after some time, which they use to moderate the potential, hazards and can adapt to the legitimate and budgetary issues prudently. An occasion organizer is constantly arranged with important instruments, information and enormous system to get a thundering achievement. To put it plainly, by employing the occasion organizers individuals can sit and appreciate the occasion knowing its prosperity is inescapable. References Alexander, A.C., Kim, D.Y. what's more, Groves, J., 2012, January. Individual and authoritative qualities are affecting occasion organizers' impression of data substance and channel decision. InJournal of Convention Event Tourism(Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 16-38). Taylor Francis Group. Chiu, Y.Y., 2014. A Study of Satisfaction Towards Event Marketing Audience Participation and Urban Identity-Examplified by the 2013 World Sports Dance Conference. Getz, D., 2012. Occasion contemplates: Discourses and future directions.Event Management,16(2), pp.171-187. Corridor, T.P., Harlow, U.K., Wolf, P. also, Wolf, J., 2012. Occasion arranging made simple: 7 basic strides to making your business or private occasion a tremendous achievement: from the industrys top occasion organizers. Lee, S.E., 2014. Effective occasion the board: a down to earth handbook.Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events,6(3), pp.273-274. Matthews, D., 2015.Special occasion creation: The assets. Routledge. Palmer, R., 2013. Fruitful Event Management: A Practical Handbook.Library Management. Preston, C., 2012.Event advertising: how to effectively advance occasions, celebrations, shows, and works. Wiley. Silvers, J.R. also, Goldblatt, J., 2012.Professional occasion coordination(Vol. 62). John Wiley Sons. Wahab, S., Shahibi, M.S., Ali, J., Bakar, S.A. also, Amrin, A.N.A., 2014. The Influence of Leaders Orientation on Event Management Success: Event Crews Perception.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,109, pp.497-501. Winkelmann, S., Dickenson, P., Souchon, A.L., Lee, N. also, Michaelidou, N
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
An Evening Walk by the Sea Shore Essay
After a hard day’s work, nothing is more invigorating than a tranquil stroll along the shore of the ocean. While the activity is useful for our bodies, the nearness of the sea appears to have a peâ culiarly sedating impact upon our brains. Each sight and sound rouses a feeling of rest and tranquility; and the impact is upgraded by the nonappearance of the sights and sounds to which we have been uncovered for the duration of the day. It is a magnificent change, in the wake of getting away from the boisterous clamor of our day by day work, to hear the perpetual music of the waves, and to inhale the new ocean breezes rather than the vitiated air of office or study hall. During our stroll along the edge of the ocean we appreciate the perspective on the wide field of waters spread out before our eyes, an unfailing wellspring of joy to any one fit for valuing the marvels of nature. For the sea in the entirety of its changeful mind-sets never stops to be wonderful, and is particula rly excellent at the hour of dusk. The display introduced by the setting sun, as it sinks underneath the sea wave, is perhaps the best appeal of a night stroll by the beach. In India, for most of the year, the mists, whose fabulous shapes and splendid tones add such a great amount to the excellence of an English dusk, are needing. Be that as it may, even in a cloudless sky when â€Å"the wide sun is sinking down, in his tranquility†and â€Å"the delicacy of sky on the sea,†the display introduced to the eye is loaded with guarantee magnificence. For quite a while after the sun has set, the sky is suffused with fragile colors of shading, until the principal stars start to show up on its obscuring surface, and day at long last offers spot to night. Before all else and the finish of the rainstorm we have stunning examples of overcast nightfall, for example, outperform the most clear portrayal given by Enâ glish writers, and would, if reliably delineated on canvas, be conâ demned as misrepresented portrayals of nature. During this season, while the night sky is still of an extreme blue, the mists are touched with gold, and purple, and all the shades of the rainbow, and the ocean underneath rehashes the splendid shading of the sky and the mists above. From such a disclosure of the delights of nature the poor man infers as much joy as the choicest assortment of paintâ ings and models and different gems stands to the millionâ aire. In fact, when we look with respectful wonderment upon the ocean and sky at the hour of dusk, it doesn't seemâ strange to us that the incredible forces of nature were once revered as divine beings; and the sedating impact that the ocean, particularly at night, has upon the observer, empowers us to see how the people of yore thought that it was normal to go to the shore and spill out their distresses to the ocean, when the hearts were overburdened with care and no human being appeared to be fit for giving reassurance. Wordsworth, the incomparable English artist, felt and perfectly communicated this in his work starting. â€Å"The world is a lot with us,†in which he grieved the way that a great many people had lost the intensity of appreâ ciating the excellence of nature, by surrendering themselves to business and common delight â€Å"late and soon, Getting and spending we destroy our powers.†He finishes with this enthusiastic upheaval of want for the old Greek love and worship for nature. â€Å"Great God! I’d rather be A Pagan nursed in a doctrine outworn, so may I, remaining on this lovely lea, Have glimpses that would make me less hopeless; Have sight of Proteus ascending from the ocean; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.â€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Capitalizing and Punctuating Quotations
Underwriting and Punctuating Quotations Underwriting and Punctuating Quotations Underwriting and Punctuating Quotations By Mark Nichol Citations comprising of complete sentences ought to consistently be promoted, as clarified in the conversations and appeared in the corrections to the accompanying models. (Note that each sentence has an accentuation mistake.) 1. The pendant around his neck peruses â€Å"all things are possible.†â€Å"All things are possible†is a finished sentence that follows an attribution, and along these lines the primary word must be promoted: â€Å"The pendant around his neck peruses, ‘All things are possible.’†(Also, an attribution must be set off from the citation by a comma.) 2. It’s critical to make sure to ask ourselves, â€Å"would I go through my own cash this way†? The inquiry â€Å"Would I go through my own cash this way?†is finished, so upper casing of the primary word is required: â€Å"It’s imperative to make sure to ask ourselves, ‘Would I go through my own cash this way?’†(Also, note that the citation, not the encircling sentence, is an inquiry, so the question mark must go before the nearby quote.) 3. He consoled clients who are worried about their security saying, â€Å"we are additionally going to ensure our responsibility to wellbeing is unwavering.†This citation may seem, by all accounts, to be a continuation of the fundamental condition of the sentence, yet it is a finished sentence all alone and ought to be promoted: â€Å"He consoled clients who are worried about their wellbeing, saying, ‘We are likewise going to ensure our promise to security is unwavering.’†(Also, saying and the citation establish a subordinate proviso, so to set the provisos off from one another, a comma must go before saying.) Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Style class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:20 Words with More Than One SpellingLoan, Lend, Loaned, LentSupervise versus Screen
Friday, August 21, 2020
Traditional Wicca vs Faerie Wicca free essay sample
There is a wide assortment of Wicca admirers today. Wiccans are a differing bunch with particular principals followed among each branch. Most Wiccan convictions fit into the broad, humanist religions of current society, however they do believe themselves to be witches. Wiccan convictions depend on a blend of black magic, white enchantment, and mysterious conventions; be that as it may, Gardnerian, or customary, Wicca is a neo-agnostic religion, though Faerie Wicca is an old religion. From numerous points of view these two parts of Wicca are similar, however from multiple points of view they vary. One qualification between conventional Wiccans and Faerie Wiccans is that customary Wiccans have a composed Rede that conveys their law and a black magic book of scriptures that holds their standards and convictions. Since customary Wiccans have composed documentation, it is a religion that can without much of a stretch be contemplated and learned by others. The Faerie Wiccans have no composed word. This type of Wicca is an oral convention, particularly hands-on and just instructed face to face by starts of the Craft (Ariadne, 3). We will compose a custom exposition test on Customary Wicca versus Faerie Wicca or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It can't be learned in a book. Since each start has their own view or individual encounters, numerous real branches have come about, including Watchmaker, Vanthi, FireDrake, Compost, Draconian Pictish-Elven, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. There are fundamentally two primary parts of conventional Wicca, which are Gardnerian and Dianic. These two have similar convictions, yet Dianic Wicca caters more to the women's activist gathering of admirers who just love the goddess not the god. Customary Wicca is educated from books, online courses, or in schools following similar standards each time, making a solitary heredity of convictions. In Faerie Wicca, a few traditions are educated while others are commonly comprehended through Faerie vitality. They live by the Faerie Warrior Code which is additionally instructed orally to all starts. This code incorporates the Black Heart of Innocence which is a wild receptiveness. In the Faerie custom, admirers are required to be true, legit and solid. There are a couple of Faerie covens that offer apprenticeships that can last as long as two years. In customary Wicca there are 161 composed laws that are found out and followed. Moral conduct is controlled by the individual, however hexing and reviling or negative enchantment isn't acknowledged, and admirers are relied upon to progress in the direction of more noteworthy's benefit of all (Wicca. organization). Another contrast between the neo-agnostic religion and the old religion is their divinities and their effect on sexuality. Most customary Wiccans adore the god and goddess and their covens seek to having equivalent quantities of people (d’Este amp; Rankine, 11). About every single conventional Wiccan buy in to the possibility of the Spirits being separated into two polarities, the male and the female. Faerie Wiccans put stock in an essential, gender ambiguous Star Goddess that has both male and female attributes. There are six different divinities that are parts of the Star Goddess who are both male and female. Since customary Wiccans for the most part adore in hetero sets, homosexuality is more typical inside the Faerie Wiccan branches than in conventional branches. Neither one of the religions condemns sexual direction; hence it isn't unbelievable to have bi-sexual or gay admirers in the two branches. Customary Wicca praises woman's rights, sexism, and women’s strengthening in hetero connections. Faerie Wicca is available to every single sexual direction, and frequently urges cross-sexuality during ceremonies to arrive at conditions of bliss. There are covens of Faerie wiccans made up of gay men, and there are other dominatingly gay gatherings of radical Faeries which underline male otherworldliness and gay marriage or â€Å"handfasting†services (Smith amp; Home, 237). There are likewise significant differentiations between the two gatherings with regards to their convictions. Conventional Wiccans accept that everybody has a perfect god or goddess inside them and ought to build up their mysterious enchantment. They likewise have faith in the heavenly powers of common spirits. Nature and the earth are a hallowed appearance of the Goddess, in this manner ceremonies and festivities are attached to the seasons and moon stages (Conway, 45). Faerie Wiccans likewise love nature and its excellence, however accept that nature is spoken to by pixies from an in the middle of world. Faerie Wiccans accept that Faerie vitality can be delivered through exorcizes, and the vitality is utilized for sexuality, innovativeness, love, excellence, enchantment, and arousing encounters and mindfulness. Another conviction of conventional Wiccans is that everybody has their own profound way to follow and can do as such by contemplation, representation, otherworldly customs, and summon of the powers of the God or Goddess. There is a law that they live by that states, â€Å"And it hurt none, do as ye will,†which essentially implies that any conduct is satisfactory as long as it doesn't hurt oneself or others. Since there is no transgression, there is no requirement for absolution from a higher being. Most customary Wiccans have faith in the idea of karma and never-ending rebirth. There is no confidence in great and abhorrent, just common powers that must be adjusted. Faerie Wiccans are urged to face challenges and have no laws constraining conduct. There is an absence of ethical quality among Faeries who have faith in a condition of charm called a province of Fey, or graceful franticness (Ariadne, 39). This is viewed as an excursion between the pixie world and reality. Faerie divine beings have all profound quality which is unique in relation to the truth of people. As opposed to prevalent thinking, neither customary Wiccans nor Faerie Wiccans venerate the fallen angel or trust in evil spirits; in any case, a portion of the Elvin people can be compared to devils or hags who are flippant. The customs and convictions of customary Wiccans began in the otherworldly conventions of the old Celtic and Norse. The conventions and convictions of the Faerie Wiccans are additionally from antiquated Celtic and Norse culture, beginning in Scotland, Iceland, and Ireland (Wicca. organization). Imagery is a vital piece of Wiccan life. With conventional Wicca being a women's activist religion, there are numerous images identified with female otherworldliness. The snake is an image of unceasing life and female force. Different images utilized by customary Wiccans are the Pentagram, the Ankh, the bow moon, precious stones and the butterfly. The pentacle or five pointed star is utilized for security, spells and conjuring. In the Faerie Wiccan branch, they utilize the seven point star, called the Elvin Star, which is illustrative of the seven mainstays of shrewdness. In conventional Wicca, the bow moon is the image of the Goddess. The two branches use precious stones, which are accepted to have mending power and are viewed as profound. Customary Wicca utilize the butterfly to speak to restoration of life or the hover of life, though the Faeries utilize the wheel of life. There are numerous different images utilized in the two parts of Wicca, for example, the chime, asthame, bat, goblet, circle, flame, feline, and brush. Every ha a significant commitment to various ceremonies. Faeries likewise have images that are utilized for assurance, love, recuperating, and success. They fly an Elvin banner that bears the Faerie star and is engraved with, â€Å"Two Worlds, One Earth, One Hope. Most images are composed or worn in the Faerie custom, for example, the â€Å"all seeing eye. †Both conventional Wicca and Faerie Wicca are fascinating parts of black magic. They are both weaved with supernatural quality and mystery that is yet to be acknowledged or comprehended by the general crowded. Their convictions, conventions, imagery and culture are interesting and appealing to the new humanist development as a wellspring of profound illumination.
SUMMER ROSES In the past five weeks or so, the pace of my life has dramatically slowed down. After running at 75 mph for the past year, I barely walk at 3 now. And while it still feels insanely weird to be moving so slowly, I’ve found myself with a lot of time to “stop and smell the roses.†There’s this tendency at MIT to start making summer plans all the way back in January. Some were finishing of UPOP seminars. Some had internship interviews lined up. Some signed summer contracts with their UROPs. Others were getting ready to send off their MISTI applications. And it made sense too. We only have three real summers as MIT students and the opportunities that are available in that time appear endless. It really makes you feel like the world is your oyster. If you’re willing to put yourself out there, that is. My January looked a little differently. In fact, I’d say that my January was more representative of the average student’s here. I had no idea what my summer was going to look like. And while I publicly brushed it off, I was intrinsically freaking out. Was I going to waste one of the “three precious summers?†I knew early on, however, that I wanted to head back home. After a long, demanding yet equally rewarding year, I wanted to spend my three months back in Texas. I looked forward to sleeping in my own bed again, waking up to the voice of my mother, teasing and being teased by my younger brother and having deep conversations with my father. I knew they had missed having me around and perhaps I had missed them more. A summer at home was just what we needed. I guess the worry came in not finding anything to do back home. I didn’t exactly want to spend my entire summer sitting on my sofa. And so I spent hours and hours browsing through job listings and googling opportunities in the metroplex. But my freshman-skills were few and replies just never seemed to make their way to me. Until my phone finally buzzed with an email one day. I had applied to a Summer Research Fellowship at the University of Texas-Southwestern, and I had gotten in! I remember letting out a sigh of relief along with the happiness I felt. I was heading home! And I was going to spend 10 weeks working with one of the top research institutes in the state. I wasn’t going to “waste a summer†after all! Deep breaths. Fast forward a few months. And here I am now. On my fourth week at UTSW, sitting in an office in the Simmons Cancer Center, spending 9 hours a day scrolling through medical reports and writing medical review papers. Coming from a background of pure benchtop research, clinical research has been pleasantly surprising. It’s been incredibly low-stress. More often than not, working in a wet-lab means you work on your experiments’ schedules, not your own. And even more often, experiments don’t work until the hundredth iteration (not really, but kind of). Conducting research simply by collecting medical data was a concept that had never crossed my mind. And in many ways, clinical research is quicker to application. It involves looking at how patients are actually handled and involves a discussion of what works well and what needs to be changed. Currently, I’m acquiring diagnostic and treatment data of patients with head and neck cancer patients to study the effects of a change in AJCC cancer staging standards. By the end of this summer, the goal is to have a strong data set to back up statements of how effectively patients have been managed. While my day-to-day becomes quite tedious as I scroll through report after report, the implications of what I’m doing are super exciting. I have one other big goal this summer. For the past two or so years, I’ve held myself in a tug-of-war between doing engineering or medicine. And while I thought my first year at MIT would pull me towards one side, it didn’t really. And that’s on me. I spent so much time this past year hustling through classes, that I let go of many big-picture conversations. I stopped thinking about what mattered to me and what made me feel content. I forget that I was out to optimize my purpose in life. As I spend 50 hours a week at UTSW, I’m hoping I find answers for myself soon. Oh yes, I did. I bought a ukelele! I have absolutely no musical experience whatsoever. I never learned to play an instrument and the last time I publicly sang was in 5th grade. That said, I made the purchase in hopes of expanding my horizons and becoming at least somewhat skilled in the realm of C-chords and G-chords. With about a week of experience, I’ve learned how to play parts of “I’m Yours†by Jason Mraz, “Kal Ho Na Ho†(where my Bollywood fans at?) and “Something to La-Va.†So far it’s all been good. I haven’t snapped a string yet. And my digital tuner says I know how to tune my ukulele well. So there’s that. If there’s are any other ukuleleists out there, feel free to share some tips and tricks. Also any songs you recommend for a beginner. K thanks. I’ve also recently joined a book club with a bunch of friends from MIT. I figured that if I read more non-fiction/intellectual books, some of it would rub off on me? We’re currently reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X. It’s week one and I am already incredibly behind, so can’t really tell you much about how it’s going. To be continued. But yeah, book recommendations also welcome. Afeefah-Rambling Alert: Amidst all of this, Ive realized that there’s no right way to do summer. Not as a high school student. Not as a college student. Not as a MIT student. And I know, I KNOW, how counterintuitive that sounds coming from me. Yes, I was freaking out about my summer. Yes, I was worried that I was going to “waste†it. Yes, it fortunately ended up working out well for me. But I like to think that if things hadn’t worked out, and I was sitting on my sofa, I would still be fine. I would’ve still found something to do (perhaps I would’ve just annoyed people with my mediocre ukulele playing skills at all hours of the day). But I think I would have been ok. Because summer time is a time for growth. Growth in whatever way you choose to define it. And whether your interning at a top tech company or simply spending some time resting up at home, growth is growth nonetheless. And it can happen in the most unconventional ways possible. So now that I’ve given you a glimpse of what my summer looks like, heres what my blogging is going to look like. With the help of some of my fellow bloggers and other friends, I’ve come up with some new blog content. I like to call it “8,726,400 Seconds of Summer.†Yes, it’s a great, super witty play on 5 Seconds of Summer. And yes, I did the actual math. But here’s the gist: MIT summers span an incredibly wide range of things. We’re in all kinds of places doing all kinds of things. Super cool things. Super mundane things. And there’s a story to them all. So while I’ll continue to put up my own thoughts and updates every now and then, get ready to hear from other MIT students! As I work behind the scenes to collect guest posts, I’m super excited to share these stories! And in the meantime, I hope you find some time to stop and smell your own roses this summer. Post Tagged #Here Comes The Sun #Roses #Something To Lava
Monday, June 1, 2020
Admission Letter Application For The 2018 Winter Scholarship - 550 Words
Admission Letter: Application For The 2018 Winter Scholarship (Essay Sample) Content: Application NameApplication Address,Application ContactDateThe ChairpersonOccupational: Health and Safety CommitteeSchool of Hospitality and Culinary Arts(Insert Address)Dear Sir/ Madam,RE: APPLICATION FOR THE 2018 WINTER SCHOLARSHIPSince inception, the Hospitality industry has remained and aspires to ensure the safety of the environment, guests and members of staff. Such a commitment is indeed timely and necessary in modern days, environments characterized with violence, and emergencies emanating from such incidents, for example those of terrorism and natural catastrophes. Accordingly, occupational health and safety have a great role to play in the Hospitality Industry with regard to the provision of human services. For instances, threatened hotel security or any form of violence that threatens the life of guests, environment and staff members, professionals serving in the Hospitality industry need to exercise a great deal of integrity and professionalism.One of the roles of occupational health and safety in the Hospitality industry is to create a sound Health and Safety policy. Such policy needs to factor in all the aspects of safety with regard to relative chance and frequency of occurrence of health and safety-threatening incidences. Therefore, the Occupational Health and Safety professionals have to ensure sufficient and effective resource allocation, and delegation of the various health and safety responsibilities to implement the set policy guidelines.Besides, the Occupational Health and Safety has the role of carrying out effective health and safety training to staff members, and creation of awareness in guests regarding actions to take in instances of emergencies. The role enables the safety and care providers in the industry to meet their legal and moral responsibilities of protection of the environment, guest and staff members. Also, such training is essential in enabling the professionals to carry out the role of prior risk assessmen t so that they meet the role of foreseeing, anticipating and averting both environmental and human health and safety risks. Consequently, the Occupational Health and Safety plays the role of initiating and building a positive health and safety culture in the Hospitality Industry. Finally, the occupational health and safety carries out a periodic assessment of the safety procedures and practices and suggest necessary changes and improvements as they dim fit.I intend to continue to display leadership with regards to Occupational Health and Safety in the Hospitality and Culinary Arts industry in the following ways. I would ensure that there is careful planning for the storage and disposal of waste materials. Waste materials and implements such as the spoons sharp blades, knives and forks, broken glasse...
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