Monday, September 30, 2019
Gender and Language Essay
Other forms which establish their superiority over women is their need for scientific jargon, to prove to women (and sometime themselves) that they are the more intelligent of the two genders. Other male magazines tend to use abbreviated terms for titles or objects, which connote authority, such as ‘FHM’, ‘GQ’ or even ‘MAX POWER’. These titles connote the idea of periodic and scientifically symbols or even macho representations such as G. I Joe. Max Power being a prime example of the bigger is better theory shared by a majority of males. In which case all the titles connote the idea that by reading these magazines they will fundamentally gain enjoyment and authority as well as establishing the male gender as the more dominant of the two. The placing of the title also suggests that what men really want from a magazine is what the media has always believed to be true; Sexually portrayed, attractive young women spread across the front cover, regardless if the title can be seen or not, is always more likely to sell to a male audience rather than another male being shown. The actress Tara Reid is the focus point of the front page and draws the reader in, due to her seductive pose. She is inviting but yet still shows sign of vulnerability and innocents as her ensemble of clothing is of very lacy and more to the point of white fabric, white connoting all that is good and untouched by others. The tag line also insinuates that the article containing her will also be of great interest to a male audience as it is sexually oriented and suggests phallic implications. This has been chosen to suit what is speculated to be the needs of today’s man, which is the chance to be the more dominant of genders and who is capable of giving women security. This ideology and belief has now been shifted, as women today are more than capable of dealing with life much better on their own without a man. Men are also more aware of how women like to be seen as equal to them, and some are very open to this change while others prefer to remain in the past and continue to view women as docile individuals. The cover of ‘Maxim’ doesn’t encourage today’s changes in genders, which suggest this is how they maintain an audience of male chauvinists, or at least to gain their attention. Within the actually magazine stories and articles are very similar to those found in female magazines but obviously aimed at a male audience. It’s very refreshing to see that the barriers between the two sexes are very alike, in terms of language used and design. The typical ‘hard’ image of what men perceive to be has in some ways become more softer and less aggressive, showing that the new man of the twenty-first century can also adapt to new ideas, and that the gap between the two genders draws closer with each generation. Obviously certain aspects of the magazine must be deemed just for a man, or at least of more interest to a man than to a women, for instance an article which expressed ways in which police officers captured and tormented their prisoners, showed images of guns and military dressed young men with vicious blood thirsty dogs barking at the prisoners. The overall affect of the images were very crude and somewhat inhumane, but for some men the idea of human destruction and war will always be of interest to them, for reasons which still hold questions as to why? Overall the identification of this magazine being targeted at a male audience can be said to be true, due to the following aspects: – A Semi- nude female (preferably blond) will be spread across the front page, more identifiable if the female is already well known. – The title expresses a large quantity as mentioned by theorist Raymond Williams that men are prone to the idea that ‘Big is always better’ – Sub-headings denote issues, which contain those related to sport, especially as the world cup is due to start. – And current affair issues which reflect destruction and chaos from around the world whereas with a female magazine the current affairs brought up are mostly directed at individuals who are form the world of showbiz or contain humour. In terms of the last point, female magazines such as ‘MORE! ‘ tend not to dramatise or even discuss issues which reflect those found on the news unless it is of relevance to their British, female audiences. This in some ways might be because they still fear that women are quite frail and are more prone to show emotion to such topics. Hence defeating the object of a magazine being a medium of entertainment, if the issues raised are of a more serious nature. This is where the difference between magazine journalism and that of newspaper journalism lies. As Newspaper writing is aimed at various individuals and not to one set gender or age group it allows for news and entertainment of both kinds to be expressed without the fear of upsetting anyone, as this is what it is set out to do. Magazines such as MORE, are what give female audiences a break from reality and allow them to indulge into the world of gossip and fame. A belief shared by most people, in particularly men, that women enjoy gossip. Mary Crawford states that gossip allows women to communicate with their peers and gives them a sense of comfort; being allowed to know what other people are doing from another world, which in turn is very different to that of their own gives them satisfaction and enjoyment. In conclusion what I have noticed within my brief analysis is that although times have changed male magazines still seem more relatable to today’s society and contain more in-depth issues which a lot of female magazines fear to tread on. However this may only be the start, barriers have already started to break between the two genders and with time these barriers may cease to exist. As women are now given more sexual freedom and social changes have taken place in terms of media influences (for instance commercials now cater for all genders and represent them as equal to men). A lot more of society now embrace the new feminist women and single mothers and radical changes have taken place in order to have reach this state as well as changes from men and their somewhat narcissistic attitudes. A quote, which most women of today’s society can now identify with would be that of Charles Fourier in 1808, which said stated that ‘The extension of women’s rights is the basic of all social change. ‘ In other words allow women to live the way in which they choose and not condemn them for it and changes within the sexes will be made for the better. Bibliography Crawford, M ‘Talking difference: on Gender and Language’, Sage 1995 Fourier C, ‘ Theories of the forth Movement, 1880 Martin, M, ‘Ways of reading’, language and gender, 2000 Williams, R. (1980/1996) ‘Advertising the Magic System’, Media Studies: A Reader
Bullying Speech Essay
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever cry yourself to sleep every night just because you don’t want to go to school the next day? Have you almost risk your own life just because you don’t want to live anymore? From the different experiences I had encountered and listened to, being bullied by the people around you really change one’s lifestyle and perception in life. Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Close to half of all the children will experience school bullying at some point while they are at primary or secondary school or sometimes even if they are already adult and at work. Like my cousin who is now a sophomore high school student, he has been bullied nonstop for almost two years. He was teased by his classmate s because of his dumbness and quietness in class. Once, his classmates had punched him because he doesn’t want to give his allowance to them. Parents should always check their child because more than 20% of children who are repeatedly bullied end up in jail. According to Doc Ryan of Cyber Bullying Seminars (2009), bullying has several forms. These are physical, verbal, social, psychological and cyber. Physical bullying is when a person (or group of people) uses physical actions to bully someone; such as hitting, poking, tripping or pushing and repeatedly and intentionally damaging someone’s belongings. Verbal bullying is the repeated or systematic name calling, insults, homophobic or racist remark and verbal cause. Social bullying is indirect actions, such as lying about someone, spreading rumors, playing a nasty joke that make the person feel humiliated or powerless, and mimicking or deliberately excluding someone. Psychological bullying is threatening, manipulating or stalking someone. And cyber bullying is a method of bullying that uses technology. There are many factors that motivate bullying behavior. Bullies want to feel powerful by insulting or mocking someone. They want to have the attention their families did not give them. They want to be aggressive. Bullies pick on the people they think don’t fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian. The bullies also have psychological problem of their own. They don’t bully other person just to act cool. They were attention seeking individuals who wanted to be noticed and to be noted as superior in their community. One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that it is relentless. Most people can take one episode of teasing or name calling or being shunned at the mall. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more. There are many ways to overcome bullying. 1. Practice confidence. Practice ways to respond to the bully verbally or through your behavior. Practice feeling good about yourself (even if you have to fake it at first). 2. Ignore the bully and walk away. It’s definitely not a coward’s response  sometimes it can be harder than losing your temper. Bullies thrive on the reaction they get, and if you walk away or ignore hurtful emails or instant messages, you’re telling the bully that you just don’t care. 3. Seek guidance or ask for help when you or someone is bullied. It may help to talk to a guidance counselor, teacher, or friend  anyone who can give you the support you need. Talking can be a good outlet for the fears and frustrations that can build when you’re being bullied. 4. Take charge of your life. You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can stay true to yourself. Think about ways to feel your best  and your strongest. To sum up everything, bullying is an abuse of your human rights. It is a serious problem with serious mental and physical impacts. It can affect you at home, school, and work, in your social life and in your ability to feel happy, healthy and secure. It is a parasitical exchange, where one person gains a benefit from hurting another. Standing up to bullies doesn’t mean you have to have a physical fight with them. Most of the time, you don’t have to fight. There are almost always more effective ways to deal with bullies  ways that are better for you. Don’t ever forget that everyone has the right to feel safe and happy. Today’s problem isn’t so much the bullying itself – bullying has been around for centuries. The problem is that it is difficult to escape from its cruelty. Despite campaigning, bullying itself won’t become extinct, but the safety felt by victims can be increased.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Consumption of Caffeinated Beverages
[pic] UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM SHAH ALAM) FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT BEL422 REPORT WRITING GROUP REPORT COMSUMPTION OF CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES AMONG UiTM STUDENTS PREPARED BY: |NAME |MATRIX NO. GROUP |SIGN | | |2010528723 |BM2254A | | |NAWWAR KHALEEFUR RAHMAN | | | | | |2010729017 |BM2254A | | |NUR KHALIJAH ZAIDAN | | | | | |2010572149 |BM2254A | | |NURANIKA SHAMIMI SHAMSDIN | | | | | |2010549887 |BM2254A | | |YUSMAH YUSOF | | | | PREPARED FOR: MADAM ASHA LATHA B.S. BEL422 LECTURER (BM2254A) UiTM SHAH ALAM DATE OF SUBMISSION: 12TH DECEMBER 2012 (WEDNESDAY) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We have taken a lot of efforts in completing this report. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals who have been there for us along this journey as to complete this report in time. Alhamdulilah, first of all we would like to thank God for given us the strength and wisdom as finally we were able to complete our report effectively and efficiently. Thank God for letting us through all the difficulties and have experienced His guidance day by day. A special appreciation to our family.Words can not express how grateful we are to our mother, father, and our siblings for all of the sacrifices that they have made on our behalf. Their prayer for us were what sustained us thus far. We would like to express our special appreciation and thank to our BEL422 lecturer, Madam Asha Latha B. S. for the valuable advice and support she has given to us in the writing of this report apart from being a tremendous mentor for us through out this semester. This report had been done with all afford by group members eventhough there were constraints while doing this report. Fortunately, all the constraints are settled due to our group members co-operation and ideas.We are highly indebted to our friends for their support as well as they diligence extended in providing us necessary information in completing this report. Last but not least, our deepest thank t o our respondents for their understanding and support. THANK YOU ( [pic] SUMMARY This study was conducted to gauge on consumption of caffeinated beverages among UiTM students. It was requested by our BEL422 lecturer Mdm. Asha Latha B. S. to fulfill the course requirement. It was requested on 19th September 2012. The investigation was done by distributing questionnaires to 20 respondents comprising Business and Law students at UiTM Shah Alam. Data was collated and analyzed using a basic frequency analysis derived from Microsoft Excel Software.Secondary sources were also referred to, to obtain background information required for this report. The main finding _______________ TERMS OF REFFERENCE On 19th September 2012, Nawwar Binti Khaleefur Rahman, Nur Khalijah Bt. Zaidan, Nuranika Shamimi Binti Shamsdin and Yusmah Binti Yusof, from the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM Shah Alam, were instructed by Mdm. Asha Latha B. S. , the Report Writing lecturer (BEL) to write a report on consu mption of caffeinated beverages among UiTM students on questionnaires. The report which includes the background information, findings, conclusions and recommendations is to be submitted on 12th December 2012.TABLE OF CONTENT |No. |Title |Pages | | |Acknowledgement | | | |Summary | | | |Terms of Refference | | | |List of Illustrations | | |1. |Introduction | | | |Background of study | | | |Statement of The Problem | | | |Research Questions | | | |Objective of The Report | | | |Scope of Report | | |2. 0 |Literature Review | | |3. 0 |Methodology and Limitation | | |4. 0 |Findings | | |5. 0 |Conclusions | | |6. |Recommendations | | | |Bibliography | | | |Appendices | | LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS |No. |Title |Pages | |1 |Figure 4. 1 | | | |Respondents’ gender | | |2 |Figure 4. | | | |Age of tertiary students | | |3 |Figure 4. 3 | | | |Tertiary students who consume caffeinated beverages | | |4 |Figure 4. 4 | | | |Number of respondents who consume caffeinated beverages | | | 5 |Figure 4. | | | |Types of caffeinated beverages | | |6 |Figure 4. 6 | | | |Frequency of tertiary students drinking caffeinated beverages | | |7 |Figure 4. 7 | | | |Awareness of the contents of caffeinated beverages | | |8 |Figure 4. | | | |Addictiveness towards caffeinated beverages | | |9 |Figure 4. 9 | | | |Reasons why respondents consume caffeinated beverages | | |10 |Figure 4. 10 | | | |The consequences if the respondents cut down caffeinated beverages | | |11 |Figure 4. 1 | | | |Respondents’ response towards statement on caffeinated beverages | | 1. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background of the Study The report was written to gauge and identify the consumption of caffeinated beverages among tertiary students. It has been observed that some students drink caffeinated beverages and after it has become a habit among students. This report identifies the short term and long term effects of taking caffeinated beverages and determines why these students are reluctant to stop consum ption of these caffeinated beverages. This report was requested by Madam Asha Latha B. S on 19th September 2012. 1. 2 Statement of the ProblemThe meaning of â€Å"caffeinated beverage†is â€Å"a drink that contains caffeine. †Coffee is the most common one. Black, green and white tea also contain caffeine. Some sodas have caffeine added to them (Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, for instance), as do many energy drinks. There are variety reasons why people like drinking caffeinated beverages. Many folks have coffee to help wake up in the morning. College students are known for knocking back coffee and caffeinated sodas to keep them up for studying the night before a big test. In some studies, caffeine has been shown to help concentration and memory. Too much consumption can increase person nervousness.If they drink cheap coffee that's made with robusta beans instead of 100% arabica beans, they may suffer stomach problem. If there is an addiction, measures must be suggested to reduce this and to introduce other form of healthier beverages. 1. 3 Research Questions This report seeks to answer the following questions: 1. 3. 1 What is the definition of caffeinated beverages? 1. 3. 2 What types of caffeinated beverages are popular among tertiary students? 1. 3. 3 Why are such beverages being consumed by tertiary students? 1. 3. 4 Are the tertiary students aware of the effects of heavy consumption on caffeinated beverages? 1. 3. 5 What are the drawbacks or setbacks experienced when attempting to stop caffeinated everages? 1. 3. 6 What are the suggestions for tertiary students to reduce the consumption of caffeinated beverages? 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW Caffeinated beverages have always been consumed by adults. However, nowadays, most tertiary students are consuming these beverages. Caffeine products are so widely distributed these days that abuse of the substance may be unnoticed. In fact, caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed stimulant, with 54 per cent of adults in America consuming on average three cups of coffee a day (Chen and Parrish, 2008). Diet Health Club on September 2011 identifies these beverages as: Any drinks which contain caffeine.This caffeine is a stimulant that is legal and is one of the most popular stimulants in the world especially among the developed countries. Some of the common caffeinated content beverages include teas, coffees, various kinds of energy drinks and soft drinks. Tea and coffee are found to naturally have caffeine. Whereas some of the popular drinks like cola have intentionally used this caffeine stimulant as one of the ingredients. The relationship between an individual’s amount of caffeine consumption during his/her study session and the individual’s study habits were investigated by Hope (2009). Most of the students revealed their personal consumption of caffeine as well as their study habits when preparing for a test or examinations.As determined by the researcher, it has been hypothesized that the more the caffeine a student consumes while studying, the more accurately his or her study habits would be labelled as ‘unhealthy’. To keep them ‘up’ for late night sessions, many college students rely on caffeine-packed sodas and coffee drinks which will increase vigilance, sadly this is unhealthy. A research by the (â€Å"National Council On Strength and Fitness), it shows that caffeinated beverages have become gradually more accepted within the diets of tertiary students. That shows the consumption of caffeinated beverages can cause long-lasting effects on brain function when utilized during the formative years.However drinking too much of caffeine can cause health problems or side effects to drinkers. Some side effects from caffeine use can be mere irritation. Others are downright dangerous. For smokers, caffeine can be especially harmful. Nicotine will raise blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular complications . This is because caffeine is the drug used in the world and is part of everyone’s daily life-style, it has gone unnoticed as a potentially harmful substance to most people’s health. An article â€Å"Caffeine Awareness Association†(2010) also indicates that excessive coffee drinking can increase a person’s risk of heart attack. Thus, caffeine can also cause irregular heart rhythms.And some researchers believe it can increase a woman’s chances of getting cancer. Caffeine has also been linked with central nervous system disorders, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and incontinence. The medical community has recently taken caffeine withdrawal quite seriously. It is estimated that one in eight people will experience symptoms that will interfere with ability to work or function for at least a couple of days. Jordan (2004), suggested including caffeine withdrawal as a verifiable condition in the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (D SM). However, caffeine withdrawal is seldom dangerous, though it can make one uncomfortable for a few days. The most frequent symptom ssociated when we attempt to stop caffeinated beverages is moderate to severe headaches. This can occur between 12 and 24 hours after the last intake of caffeine. It usually lasts for one to two days, though some may have a headache for longer. Furthermore, according to Lee (2006), drinking too much of caffeine will impact one negatively. It causes palpitations and withdrawal systems that include headache and drowsiness. Tertiary education often requires students to study for extended hours, especially during periods of increased workload prior to tests and examinations. Removing caffeine from one’s daily routine can be done by approaching the task of lowering the intake of caffeine.Switching to a coffee with less caffeine and checking labels on medications are the approaches to gradually reduce the amount of caffeine consumption for each day, (â€Å"Fit Day†, n. d). According to Haupt (2012), suggests go for an espresso shot because it contains only about half the amount of caffeine as a cup of regular coffee. 3. 0 METHODOLOGY AND LIMITATIONS 20 respondents were chosen randomly. The respondents were required to answer a questionnaire. These questionnaires were distributed on ______ and collected on ____. Data was collected and analyzed using a basic frequency analysis that was derived from Microsoft Excel software. Various secondary sources and materials were also looked into as differences and guides.Although this research was carefully prepared, there were still limitations and shortcomings. This report was done on a small scale involving 20 respondents. Since the population was small, the findings presented may not be applicable as general representations. To do so a large sample would be required. The period given to conduct and complete this report was 11 weeks only. Background information for the report was limited to articles from various websites. 4. 0 FINDINGS 4. 1 RESPONDENTS’ GENDER [pic] Figure 4. 1 The pie chart in Figure 4. 1 shows the gender who consumed caffeinated beverages. The gender is divided into two categories which are females and males.Based on the pie chart, it shows that the percentage of females who consume caffeinated beverages among tertiary students is higher than males where by females involve 70% and male 30% only. 4. 2 AGE OF TERTIARY STUDENTS [pic] Figure 4. 2 The table in Figure 4. 2 shows the age of the respondents who consume caffeinated beverages. It shows that the age of 19 – 21 years old has the highest no of respondents at 12 respondents while the age of 30 – 32 years old has the lowest number of respondents at 1 respondent only. 4. 3 TERTIARY STUDENTS WHO CONSUME CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES [pic] Figure 4. 3 The diagram above shows the number of students from universities that consume caffeinated beverages.It shows that University Tec hnology Mara has the highest no of respondents who consume caffeinated beverages among all tertiary students at 9 respondents. The lowest numbers of respondents who consume caffeinated beverages are tertiary students for University Malaya at only 3 respondents. 4. 4 NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS WHO CONSUME CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES [pic] Figure 4. 4 The pie chart above shows the number of respondents who consume caffeinated beverages. It shows that 20 respondents answered â€Å"yes†in this questionnaire. 4. 5 TYPES OF CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES [pic] [pic] Figure 4. 5 Figure 4. 5 shows the types of caffeinated beverages that are taken by tertiary students.According to the chart, tea is the highest for the types of caffeinated beverages at 52% followed by coffee at 25% and sodas at 25%. Sodas are divided into four types which are Coke at 23%, Pepsi at 59%, Mountain Dew at 10% and others at 9%. 4. 6 FREQUENCY OF TERTIARY STUDENTS DRINKING CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES IN A WEEK [pic] Figure 4. 6 Figu re 4. 6 shows the frequency tertiary students drink caffeinated beverages. Based on the chart above, it shows that 40% of tertiary students drink caffeinated beverages 2 – 4 times in a week. 25% of tertiary students drink it once a week, 20% drink it every day and only 10% of the tertiary students drink it 5- 6 times in a week. 4. 7 AWARENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES [pic] [pic] Figure 4. 7 Figure 4. shows the awareness of the contents of such beverages by tertiary students. According to the chart, it is clear that most students are aware of the contents of caffeinated beverages since 64% answered so. Another 36% of tertiary students are not aware of the contents of such beverages. Therefore, for those who are aware of the contents in caffeinated beverages, the results show that 41% realise the sugar, 23% know of their preservatives, 9% the colouring and 27% the caffeine contents. 4. 8 ADDICTIVENESS TOWARDS CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES [pic] [pic] Figure 4. 8 Figure 4. 8 shows the addictiveness towards caffeinated beverages by tertiary students.From the chart above, it is clear that 55% of the tertiary students are not addicted to caffeinated beverages. Only 45% of tertiary students are addicted to caffeinated beverages. When they are addicted to caffeinated beverages, most of them control addiction by carrying with plain water (60%), followed by 30% who revert to de-caffeinated beverages and 10% who resort to junk food / fast food. 4. 9 REASONS WHY RESPONDENTS CONSUME CAFFEINATED BEVERAGES [pic] Figure 4. 9 Figure 4. 9 illustrates the reasons why respondents consume caffeinated beverages. Firstly, 8 out of 20 respondents say they find caffeinated beverages tasty. Next, 30% of the respondents consume such beverages because find them inexpensive. respondents ranked they find caffeinated beverages convenient. Moreover, no respondents ranked finding such beverages inexpensive or tasty. Meanwhile, 40% of the respondents rank they follow their frien ds as the reason why they consume caffeinated beverages. 4. 10 THE CONSEQUENCES IF THE RESPONDENTS CUT DOWN CAFFEINATED BEVEREAGES [pic] Figure 4. 10 Figure 4. 10 shows the percentages of the consequences if the respondents cut down on caffeinated beverages. 60% of the respondents will feel sleepy if they cut down their consumption on such beverages. Meanwhile, only 10% of them feel moody after they reduced their intake. None of them feel sick easily if they cut down their consumption. Statements |Strongly Agree |Agree |Neutral |Disagree |Strongly | | | | | | |Disagree | |Caffein|6 |30% |9 |45% |3 | |ated | | | | | | |beverag| | | | | | |es have| | | | | | |adverse| | | | | | |effects| | | | | | |on the | | | | | | |body. | | | | | | | | Universiti Teknologi Mara | | | | | | | | Sunway College University | | | | | | | Taylors College University | | | | | | | | University Malaya | | | | | | | | Others ( Please state : __ _____________ ) | | | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | | | | Coffee | | | | | | | Coke | | | | | Once a week | | | | | | | | 5 – 6 times a week | | | | | | | | Everyday | | | | Yes| | | | | |(Tick v for suitable options) | | | | | | | | | | Yes| | | | | |(Tick v for suitable options) | | | | | | | | Seek medical help | | | | | | | | Carry with me plain water | | | | | | |Revert to de-caffeinated beverages | | | | | | Replace these drinks by chewing gum or sweets | | | | | | Resort to junk food / fast food | | | | | | | | |( Rank 1 for major reason and 6 for least major reason) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I find them convenience | | I consume them to help | | | | | | | become moody | | | become sick easily | | | | become less alert / active | | become sleepy / lazy | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |13) |Consumption of caffeinated beverages leads to emotional disturbances.  | | | | | | | | | | | | | |14) |I find it difficult to cut down on my consumption of such beverages. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |15) |I require help to overcome my addiction towards caffeinated beverages. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | THE END THANK YOU
Greek Contributions Essay
Contributions of Ancient Greece Many of the roots of Western society can be traced back to ancient Greece. The longest areas of contribution are architecture, medicine, and philosophy. The philosophical area of ancient Greece is one of the most important; it foundededucational laws and many other things. Also architecture was a major part of what ancient Greece left behind considering they constructed huge buildings that still stand today. Greece was known as one of the founders of modern medicine since they learned how to fix dislocated joints and broken arms. Those are the major contributions left behind from the Greek’s. One of the advancement’s that affects western civilization is architecture. Greece created huge buildings such as the Parthenon and Pantheon. Columns that are used in the Parthenonare found all over the world today such as the White House and other Government buildings such as the Capital Building and The Jefferson Memorial. Also the limestone and ma rble in the buildings and column’s are still used today because of their beauty and durability. The amazing architecture of Greece gave us the idea of creating massive buildings and columns. One of the greatest contributions of ancient Greece is philosophy. Aristotle, the great philosopher believed that reason is the one thing that guides lives. The three philosophers Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates founded the main idea of philosophy today. Socrates thought that you should ask questions that caused you to think deeply about a subject and find the truth in everything. Plato founded the idea that there should be laws on education. These three philosophers together created the idea that we should take what life gives us but find the truth in everything. These famous Greek philosophers set morals and ideas that we use in everyday life. One of the greatest achievements in the ancient world was medicine. There were many doctors who practiced things that will make patients feel better or be cured without hurting patients. Before a doctor called Hippocrates the ancient world believed that gods and demons cause illnesses but then he came around and taught that diseases had natural causes. The doctors of Greece showed us how to find many cures, put dislocated joints back in place, and how to reset bones. Finally they gave us the idea that doctors should do everything in their power to do what is best for the patient. Ultimately, the many contributions of ancient Greece affected our world in many different ways. Medicine helped us to cure many people and have people feel better when they broke something, dislocated something, or even had a disease. Philosophy of Greece founded the way we learn and question things in today’s world. Finally the architecture of Greece has survived the test of time and impacts many important buildings in the United States of America and many other countries in the world. All in all those are the many contributions of ancient Greece.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Jonathan Swift- a Modest Proposal
Jonathan Swift, a celebrated name during the eighteenth century, was an economist, a writer, and a cleric who was later named Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. Although Swift took on many different roles throughout his career, the literary form of satire seemed to be his realm of expertise. Because satire flourished during the eighteenth century, Jonathan Swift is arguably one of the most influential political satirists of his time. In one of his famous essays, A Modest Proposal, Swift expresses his anger and frustration towards the oppression of the Irish by the English government.In order to gain attention from his audience, Swift proposes the outrageous thesis that the solution to Ireland’s problem of poverty is to feed children of the poor to the wealthy, aristocratic families. To whom Swift is directing his satire towards is a multifaceted question. Taking on the persona of an intellectual economist, Swift attacks England for their ignorance, criticizes th e Irish for their submissive ways, and on a deeper level, censures the reader who embodies all that disregard the cruelties of the world.Although Ireland was an autonomous kingdom during the eighteenth century, the English Parliament still exerted its power from afar. The weak social relations made it so that England overlooked the economical instability in Ireland. The anger that lies behind A Modest Proposal holds both England and Ireland dually responsible for the turmoil. This is illustrated first by dehumanizing the Irish people.The proposer compares them to livestock, referring to the women as â€Å"breeders†(Swift 342), and proposes, â€Å"a young healthy child†will serve as â€Å"a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled†(Swift 342). By doing this, Swift criticizes both the English government for merely viewing the people of Ireland as insignificant, and also attacks the Irish for allowing themselves t o be reduced to that of livestock. Children are viewed as a commodity whose â€Å"carcass†is worth â€Å"ten shillings†(Swift 343).For the wealthy, the proposer suggests that the skin of the carcass â€Å"will make admirable gloves for ladies, and fine boots for gentleman†(Swift 342). A child is regarded by many cultures as inferior, naive, and innocent. The idea of a child being marketed as an item used for economic purposes emphasizes the inhumanity inflicted on someone as helpless as a child. Here, Swift cleverly brings England’s ignorance and Ireland’s passivity to attention by using a vulnerable child as a victim. The use of dehumanization is also shown when Swift speaks of the Irish as statistical data.Regarding the â€Å"hundred and twenty thousand children already computed,†the proposer explains that, â€Å"twenty thousand may be reserved for breed†(Swift 343). Once again, [England] referring to people in a statistical, n umerical sense dismisses the individuality of a human being. Swift’s feelings of enragement with the Irish Catholics’ lack of self-respect are clearly portrayed as they too permit themselves to be classified as a number. Swift also shows that both countries are responsible for the poverty in Ireland when he censures the politics that surround the issue.In the treatise, the idea of cannibalism is used as an analogy for the oppression in Ireland. Towards the end of the essay, this is shown when the proposer remarks that â€Å"perhaps [he] could name a country which would be glad to eat up our whole nation without [this proposal]†(Swift 346). Here, Swift makes a counterargument towards the people of England who would be appalled at such a cannibalistic idea. Even in the absence of this proposal, Swift explains that England would still devour Ireland’s resources and undermines its people.This analogy is also used to attack Ireland when the treatise addresses the value of a plump child. Because this food will be expensive, Swift remarks that it should be, â€Å"very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children†(Swift 343). In other words, the wealthy Irish landlords have already taken everything they can from the poor. Not only has England oppressed Ireland, but also the Irish have oppressed themselves.Due to the grieve-stricken conditions Ireland faces during the eighteenth century, Swift speculates that the as the children age, they either flee Ireland to â€Å"fight for the Pretender in Spain,†or â€Å"sell themselves to the Barbadoes†(Swift 341). Here, the proposer unmistakably attacks the Irish for being disloyal to â€Å"their dear native country†(Swift 341), by fighting for the English government and fleeing to America. Reading further in between the lines, one can see that Swift is also blaming England for engaging its ci tizens in military action. To let one’s country suffer while they fight or the nation that enables their poverty, illustrates a weak and cowardly nation. In the same sense, England should be reprimanded as well for using the poor to their advantage, and overlooking the poverty dilemma. In addition to Ireland’s disloyalty issue, Swift also attacks current marriage laws in place. Marriage, the proposer states, â€Å"is encouraged by rewards, or enforced by laws and penalties†(Swift 345). These rules and regulations were not only enforced by England, but â€Å"all wise nations†(Swift 345) during the eighteenth century as well.Specifically designed for absolute patriarchal power, these marriage laws were unjust in which Swift attempts to bring to the reader’s attention. Instead of this, Swift argues, â€Å"the expensiveness of pride, vanity, idleness, and gaming in our women†(Swift 346) should be stopped. Through various portrayals, it is pro ven that Swift’s treatise was not intended to only blame the British for their cruelty, but the Irish for their passivity as well. In attacking England and Ireland on equal levels, one cannot fail to recognize the satire Swift directs towards the reader.The reader serves as a representation of all mankind who blatantly disregard the fellow man in need of nourishment. Through critiquing the reader, Swift can give us a broader perspective of the inhumanity that occurs everywhere and still occurs unnoticed. In the end of his argument, Swift does offer a number of solutions that are actually rational, such as â€Å"taxing our absentees at five shillings a pound,†or â€Å"rejecting the materials and instruments that promote foreign luxury†(Swift 346).However, he dismisses these sound ideas quickly since there will never â€Å"be some hearty and sincere attempts to put them in practice†(Swift 291). Until the public makes an effort to enforce these rational p roposals, the idea of feeding children to the wealthy stands as the only logical suggestion. Next, the proposer admits that he is â€Å"not so violently bent upon my own opinion as to reject any offer proposed,†but in hearing another proposition, it must be â€Å"found equally innocent, cheap, easy, and effectual†(Swift 346).The proposer is willing to hear another proposition on the account that it addresses certain issues. This opens the reader’s eyes to the problem of poverty in Ireland as a complex one that cannot be solved with a quick solution. The significance of the issue increases and brings attention to the fact that the reader is a casualty to ignorance like all human beings. The satire that is produced by Jonathan Swift in A Modest Proposal, exemplifies many problems that seem to be overlooked and ignored.England, who enforces laws from afar, chooses to turn its head towards the growing poverty in Ireland. Ireland is equally responsible however, bec ause their passivity rears them as helpless, and thus they have not made any effort to encourage change among their people. Swift does not forget to take a stab at the reader for partaking in the same cruelties as England and Ireland. In a broader perspective, inhumanity often goes unrecognized because we as humans choose to look the other way. Swift effectively uses satire to critique three different audiences and encourage change for the better.
Role of family environment in adult criminality Essay
Role of family environment in adult criminality - Essay Example Juvenile delinquency is the display of criminal attitude by youngsters in the age of transition into adulthood while adult criminality is the display of violent behaviors in adulthood. A whole range of antisocial behaviors are displayed by the juvenile delinquents that include but are not limited to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, vandalism, rape, weapon possession, bullying, school malpractices, truancy, and cultism which make them criminal as grownups. There is a growing consensus among the analysts that adult crime finds its roots in the family environment an individual spends his/her childhood in (Eitle and Turner, 2002, p. 215). There is dire need to realize the specific factors ingrained in the corrupt family environment which are responsible for enhancing a child’s tendency to land in the world of crime. This paper aims at discussing some of the ways in which children gain negative influences from the family environment. Antisocial behavior of parents increases their children’s tendency to become delinquent and antisocial. Several studies including McCord (1977) and Robins (1979) have depicted the criminality of parents as the causal factor behind the child delinquency. Family factors have been identified as strong determinants of criminality in children. We know that children who grow up in homes are characterized by lack of warmth and support, whose parents lack behavior management skills, and whose lives are characterized by conflict or maltreatment will more likely be delinquent, whereas a supportive family can protect children even in a very hostile and damaging external environment. (Smith and Stern, 1997, p. 383). In Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development, the most comprehensive research upon family offence was conducted that included 400 males of all ages in the range of 8 years to 48 years (Farrington et al., 2006). The researchers predicted a boy’s convictions due to his relationship with a convicted brother, sister, father or mother. It was found that each of these relatives had his/her own independent significance as predictor, though the level of influence was controlled by certain factors including gender and age. 63 per cent of the convicted boys had convicted fathers as compared to 30 per cent of the boys tha t had non-convicted fathers. In determining the influence of relationships upon a boy’s delinquency, same-sex relationships were found to be more influential in comparison to the opposite-sex relationships. Also, the influence of criminality of elder siblings was found to be more than that of younger siblings. Sexual abuse that girls experience at home triggers the motivation in them to run away with a view to escaping the abuse they are offered at home (Siegel and Williams, 2003, p. 71). This act of leaving the home may results into an incarceration along with different kinds of offending. In order to make their living while away from home, many girls become thieves or prostitutes. A lot of retrospective investigations have found the origin of prostitution in the childhood sexual abuse. Studies by Reich and Gutierres (1979) and Ames and Widom (1998) have shown that sexual abuse at home is a predictor of running away from home with a great statistical significance. A research directed at exploring the causes of male and female runaways determined that sexual abuse was a reason for leaving home only for females (Welsh et al., 1995). Child neglect and abuse may cause improper development of several areas of brain which may become the root-cause of impaired physical, emotional and psychological development. Certain regions of the brain may display a hyperarousal response as a result of the stress caused by the chronic abuse. Its consequences may include but are not limited to sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, and tension. Besides, it increases an individual’s vulnerability to attention deficit disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Enzyme Amylase Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Enzyme Amylase - Lab Report Example An enzyme is a protein-based catalyst that raises the reaction rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for that reaction. It is not used up in the process. It is hypothesized that the enzyme activity changes when various parameters such as temperature, pH and the concentration of the enzyme are changed. Materials: The materials used were: 400 mL beakers, thermometers, hot plate, ice, 1% starch solution, 2 grams of soluble starch, iodine in dropper bottles, buffer solutions with pH levels of 4, 7 and 10, well (spot) plate labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4, saliva (amylase) solution, test tube rack, test tubes, droppers, a 10 mL graduated cylinder and water squirters. Method: a) Reference color A few drops of 1% starch solution were placed on a spot plate. One drop of iodine was added to the spot. The color that formed was taken to be the reference color. b) Effect of concentration. A 400 mL beaker was half-filled with water and then warmed to 37?C. The temperature was kept con stant at 37?C. Saliva was collected in a disposable tube. 4 mL of 1% starch solution was placed in a test tube. This tube was placed in the water bath for five minutes. In spot plate 1, no spit was added, in plate 2, one drop of saliva was added, in plate 3, three drops of saliva were added and in plate 4, five drops of saliva were added. Eight drops of 1% starch solution were then added to each well plate. ... The plate was then rinsed with water and the test repeated twice after intervals of 5 and 10 minutes. After each test, the observations made were recorded. A graph of the enzyme activity against the amount of amylase at 10 minutes was then plotted. c) Effect of temperature. 1 mL of 1% starch solution was placed in two test tubes. One of these tubes was placed in a water bath with boiling water and the other in an ice bath. 1 mL of the 1% starch solution used in method a) above was placed in a test tube. This test tube was then placed in a water bath with a temperature of 37?C. The three tubes were left in the baths for 10 minutes. The temperatures of the baths were then recorded. Two drops of saliva were placed in 3 well plates and then one drop of iodine added to each plate. Four drops of the 1% starch solution in the test tube contained in the ice bath were added to one spot, another four drops of the starch solution in the test tube contained in the water bath at 37?C were added t o the second spot, and finally four drops of the starch solution in the test tube contained in the water bath with boiling water were added to the third spot. The observations made were recorded and a graph of enzyme activity against temperature plotted. d) Effect of pH 2 mL of each of the three buffer solutions (with pH levels of 4, 7 and 10) was placed in separate test tubes. 2 mL of 1% starch solution was then placed in three other test tubes. All the test tubes were then placed in a water bath with a temperature of 37?C for five minutes. The three 1% starch solutions were then poured into three buffer solutions and then mixed thoroughly. The test tubes with the mixtures were then returned to the water bath. Three drops of spit were placed in three spot plates. Using clean droppers,
Arizona Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Arizona Law - Essay Example I shall use general information about the law and its open discussions as culled from various magazines, newspapers, and journals online in order to help persuade the reader to rethink their position should they be in full support of the law. After all, every law is subject to political discussion. Those who support the controversial law do so on the basis that the senators and other politicians in Washington are incapable of passing effective anti-immigration laws. That is why the state of Arizona has chosen to enforce its own version of an anti-immigration law. After all, who better to know the effects of illegal immigration into their state than the state politicians? They are familiar with the immigration problem of their state and therefore, should be the most authoritative when it comes to finding methods of keeping these illegal immigrants out of the country. Let us not forget the most important aspect of anti-immigration law enforcement, it must be based upon a law that was p assed by consensus on a national level over at the Capitol. The enforcement of the nitty gritty points of the law is the responsibility of those deputized by the national senate. The budget for anti-immigration law enforcement is also worked into the country's budget every year. But under the Arizona anti-immigration law, the budget for enforcing the law as stated in SB 1070 should come from the federal government. Under no circumstances should the enactment of such laws be done under the supervision and authority of the state under a localized anti-immigration law. (Navarette Jr., Ruben â€Å"The Truth About Arizona's Anti-immigration Law†) If Arizona is allowed to breakaway from the law as defined by Washington, then all the other states must be given the same freedom to enforce their anti-immigration laws. There is also the local and national economic and agricultural aspect to consider at the moment while the law is in effect. Although it is true that Washington has a har d time coming up with a cohesive anti-immigration plan that both sides of the political spectrum can get aboard on, they have to first consider the local economy and workforce of the state before passing such laws. These state legislators seem to have forgotten that the reason that illegal immigrants proliferate in the state is because there are jobs to be had. Jobs that our fellow Americans frown upon or refuse to do under the scorching heat of the sun. (Kain, Erick â€Å"Why Arizona's Controversial Immigration Law is Bad for Business†) Without these illegal immigrants to do the job without complain, is there anyone else who would willingly come forward to do those menial jobs? Let's face it, only the migrant workers who work illegally in the country would be willing to do those jobs in exchange for far less than they should actually be paid One of the key points that is being addressed as an explosive issue when it comes to the enforcement of this bill is that certain secto rs of society believe that the law will encourage racial profiling. The belief stems from the fact that the law is far too broad and open to interpretation that those enforcing it will not have any qualms about asking for citizenship identification papers because he is exposed to various races every â€Å"single day of his working life. It is believed that SB 1070, in its original content may : ...unlawfully
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Benifits and problems of the industrial revolution Essay
Benifits and problems of the industrial revolution - Essay Example The rest of this essay will present the pros and cons of this important event as well as briefly explaining why industrial reform came slowly from 1815-1914. Factories that produce goods on a massive scale are the most prominent symbols of the industrial revolution. Such a radical transformation was allowed to happen because it suited the interests of the aristocracy and nobility of the time. The ruling elite of England were also the owners of most the country’s wealth and it suited their interest to perpetuate a method that maintained status quo. This meant that the prevailing inequities in distribution of wealth accentuated further as the industrial revolution marched on. Some intellectuals have cited this as the major problem with the capitalist model and have hence condemned the revolution as socially unjust. The other criticism that is leveled against large-scale industries is their tendency to accelerate the process of urbanization and ultimately contribute to pollution and squalor. For example, the issues of overpopulation, petty crime, prostitution and pollution in the industrial city of Manchester are well documented by K ishlansky and other scholars. While the unsavory aspects of the industrial revolution are real and valid, it has also brought about positive changes to people. As the scale of production of goods increased under the capitalist model, people from all sections of society were able to enjoy consumption of products that were previously considered an luxury for the few. Coming back to the city of Manchester, the numerous cotton mills set up there produced sufficient goods to supply to the local markets and also export the surplus to other countries. The other benefit brought on by the industrial revolution is the overall efficiency of the production process. Terms such as efficiency and quality were given emphasis, the benefits of which are transferred to the end consumer. And finally, there is an interesting reason
The Background of the Technology - Annotated Bibliography Research Paper
The Background of the Technology - Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example This resource has a twice-monthly publication, focused conference series and custom research form the hub of the worlds largest global IT media network. All this information has helped in compiling my data required especially about the new launches and their social, legal and ethical aspects. InfoWorld is the principal source of information on rising enterprise technologies, and the only trade name that explains to senior technology decision makers how these technologies work, and how they can use them to drive their business. All such information has proved to be of great help while compiling my developments and benefits of new advances section. This online resource has also helped me in discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this new technology. Moreover, this link has helped me in covering social, legal, ethical and security aspects, along with the hurdles which are being faced in order to make this technology as a success. The main questions which will be discussed in my literature review are: the background of the technology itself, in-detail discussion of the topic along with its history and advancements is obtained from this resource.
The role of the social worker - modern day social worker Essay
The role of the social worker - modern day social worker - Essay Example The formalisation of this profession implies a formal academic type of initiation into it. One learns social work as a course at the university level and has several openings in the job market based on one’s aptitude and area of interest. â€Å"The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships, and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being†(IFSW, 2012). A social worker performs various roles and functions. He/She is an awareness creator, a liaison person, a facilitator, a voice for the underprivileged and much more. (S) he has the most crucial role to play, especially where the patient does not have any immediate kith and kin. The number of functions performed depends on the area where (s) he is active and the type of intervention or service required of him/her. A hospital is one such setting where social workers offer their services. The actual type of services rendered in a hospital depends on the sector in question viz. private, voluntary or statutory. Social workers have various goals in a health care organisation viz. to manage the risk involved, to develop programs for dialog, linking the community with the hospital, promoting research and education (Ontario Association of Social Workers, 2004). A person in the private sector has fewer privileges when compared to one from the government sector. Hence, the type of intervention will also differ. If a person has been the victim of an occupation hazard, the social worker faces an uphill task in giving justice to the aggrieved party. The extent to which the employee can be given compensation through legal recourse is limited. However, the social worker can make the employee aware of the state in which (s) he is and how one should adapt to the changed circumstance. This is the case even when a non-employee is forced to use hospital services due the ill-effects of the organisation concerned on the health of the former. This being the case,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Developing Countries and Deflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Developing Countries and Deflation - Essay Example A year after Roach's controversial report, Goldman and Sachs published a Global Economics paper entitled "Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050". In this report, the authors surmised that given the 'right' growth conditions and a lot of luck, four of the biggest developing countries namely Brazil, Russia, India and China (thus forming the BRIC acronym) could become the largest economic force in the world in 50 years possibly even surpassing the G6 economies (US, Japan, UK, France, Italy and Germany). Like China, the economies of Brazil, Russia and India have influenced the decline of consumer prices in the world. If there is any empirical basis on the notion of China's alleged spread of deflation, would it not be reasonable to suggest that the rest of the BRICs could have the same effect on the world's economy This paper aims to examine if such generalization regarding deflation shifting could indeed be applied to all of the BRICs as the world's largest developing countries. ... ntinuously as determined by aggregate measures such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator (Kumar et al, 2003). In such a case, economic activity and consumer spending are significantly reduced, which in turn cause a decline in prices, profits, trade, employment and productivity in general (Guardian Unlimited, 2006). The decline in price levels could either be due to a demand shock (a significant fall in the demand of goods and services) or a supply shock (significant increase in outputs while demands remain constant). In case of the former, a vicious cycle of declining asset prices, rigid financial policies and reduced nominal interest rates are likely to result. The situation could become more problematic if the expectation for even lower prices prompt consumers to postpone their spending. An extreme effect of this would be companies going out of business or severely cutting down on labor and production due severe inability to sell their good s or services, realize revenues and/or pay off outstanding loans. This perpetuates an even lower demand for goods and further decline in prices. Supply shocks, on the other hand, can result from more 'positive' events such as technological advancements, trade liberalization gains, productivity growth and strengthened confidence in the long-term effects of perceived political and economic stability. Under such circumstances, deflation could not be as costly as that in the demand shock effect since the price decline could only be a manifestation of temporary adjustment to a new equilibrium brought about by external, productivity-enhancing changes, e.g., IT revolution and deregulation, (Kumar et al, 2003). Deflation in history There are two periods in history when deflation occurred in
Embedded Systems and Drives Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Embedded Systems and Drives - Lab Report Example The following code blocks show the implementation of the project. The codes as explained in the comment box. Â For this exercise, each node was to be identified as an 8-bit code. Four bits compromised of a system code which is all from the same number while the other four bits were used to identify a node within the system. Â For the condition, from if (sysIdS== sysId), is that the value received for system matches the value set for the system, nodeId check is true, and is within value of 0 to 16 in terms of arrays, then the condition is True, then the commands with the curly braces are therefore executed. For this case, the immediate action is to display date, temperature, Humidity etc. Â for (int m = 0; m < array_size; m++) The for command, in this, defines a variable called m and gives this variable an initial value of 0. The text m < array_size appears after the semicolon. This is the representation of the condition required in staying within the loop. Therefore in other words, when m is less than array_size, things inside with the curly brackets will repeat. Â The project implementation started with the identification of the required variables. The variables were then declared, with their relevant libraries also called. To ensure that the 16-nodes are identified, each node was declared as an integer, and assigned a name. The blocks of codes are explained in the comment box. The comment section explains why certain codes were used in a given section of the program. The transmitter and receiver snapshots are also provided.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Post-modern Performing Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Post-modern Performing Art - Essay Example One feature of recognizing dance as a performing art is recognizing its evanescence. Once we accept the transience of dance in this sense, we must still acknowledge its permanence: that the very same dance can be re-performed at some later date. But that fact itself must be explained. And if we want to understand the performing arts a little better here, it is first necessary to say something about the arts more generally. The critic writes an interpretation of a work of artâ€â€a poem, a painting or a dance. These interpretations are centrally, often exclusively, verbal in character, even when they are interpretations of dance or music. We call these ‘critic’s interpretations’. Second, there is the interpretation of the performer in a performing art. The performer is irrelevant to what the work of art (in a performing art) means, although my earlier remarks may have tended in that direction. It is not as though something that could be interpreted by the critic is instead interpreted by the performer. Rather, whenever the critic confronts the work of art itself (rather than the score, say) he necessarily confronts something already interpreted by some performer, if this is a work in a performing art. Works in the performing arts come, as we have seen, with a label reading ‘And now perform it’. The content of such a label is always relevant to the meaning of such-and-such a work of art. For only in performance is a token of that type-work available for criticism. The performer’s interpretation does not really.... But that fact itself must be explained. And if we want to understand the performing arts a little better here, it is first necessary to say something about the arts more generally. The critic writes an interpretation of a work of art-a poem, a painting or a dance. These interpretations are centrally, often exclusively, verbal in character, even when they are interpretations of dance or music. We call these 'critic's interpretations'. Second, there is the interpretation of the performer in a performing art. The performer is irrelevant to what the work of art (in a performing art) means, although my earlier remarks may have tended in that direction. It is not as though something that could be interpreted by the critic is instead interpreted by the performer. Rather, whenever the critic confronts the work of art itself (rather than the score, say) he necessarily confronts something already interpreted by some performer, if this is a work in a performing art. Works in the performing arts come, as we have seen, with a label reading 'And now perform it'. The content of such a label is always relevant to the meaning of such-and-such a work of art. For only in performance is a token of that type-work available for criticism. This means that the performer's interpretation does not really constitute a level of interpretation at all. For one cannot confront the work of art except in this 'interpreted' form. So speaking of the dance/language analogy, and of the linguistic character of our understanding, emphasizes that the place at which the meanings of dances are most readily located is in discussions of those dances, that is to say, in the linguistic element which is
International Human Resources Managemnt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
International Human Resources Managemnt - Essay Example We will briefly start with the need of international human resource management, followed by the increase in problems and hurdles and finally highlight the key strategies that should be adopted to have a strategic international HRM in order to achieve an added or competitive advantage (Lane 2000). This will include a special focus on dealing with expatriates. In the end we will sum it up with certain recommendations and conclusion. Globalization has accelerated greatly in the last few decades. Organizations are crossing borders either through opening branches or subsidiaries in other nations or simply hiring individuals on a contract basis. However, one major misconception is that due to globalization labor environment has become uniform. Though super national bodies such as European Union are trying to develop consistent policies across all nations they are still at a very initial level. Therefore, there is a dire need for having unique HRM policies and strategies for every state in which the business is operating (Caluwe 2000). In this situation the real question arises when there has to be a balanced developed between an integrated HRM practice across border and at the same time keeping consideration of the local perspective. Organizations need to spread their competent policies to other sides of the business. This means that if there is an effective strategy in place at the home ranch it has to be introduc ed in other nations too for competitive advantage. As mentioned in the introduction, there are many factors that make international HRM more complicated and act as a hurdle in achieving a well management system of human resource. Some of them are as follows: 1. Legal laws and policies: Every country has its own labor laws and rights protection policies. Further, how well are they enforced is another factor that differs from one state to another. Multinationals that are present in Europe as well as India have to
Monday, September 23, 2019
ISMG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
ISMG - Essay Example We would ask our customers and employees to leave suggestions and comments in our suggestion boxes placed inside the cafà © and also on our websites in order to encourage an open line communication. With coming suggestions and comments we would be able to know our lacking and immediately start working to improve our services. We here in Broadway Cafe use e-business strategy to be in touch with our customers and also to attract new consumers. As we are working with online business services we keep our customers update with new offers. We will give opportunity to our customers to create an online account to give them opportunity to keep in touch with us. Our registered customers will get periodic offers and discount through email. We will use social media for promotions and customer attractions. There could be three easy ways for our customer to keep in touch with us easily. E-business strategies being very cheap advertising solution will help Broadway Cafe to attract customers and grow sales and providing encouragements for customers to visit the cafe. The advertisement will contain promotional discount coupons for encouraging more purchases which will also increase sales. Cafà © Broadway could take advantage by effectiveness metrics. Our website will get our name out to the general public, promoting special deals and offers, etc. With the use of effectiveness metric, we will be able to get feedback from our customers and to see how much consumers are satisfied with Broadway Cafe. We will use tracking options on our website to track the amount and number of time visitors spends on our website. We would use online ordering process to communicate the requirements to our partners and suppliers. Online website also give us an opportunity to setup an online ordering system for customers for online ordering. We can use email for communication with our partners and suppliers. Online communication is the easiest way for us to reach our
Southwest airlines Comparative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Southwest airlines Comparative Analysis - Essay Example s the customers choose increasing demand, the company also receives less complaints compared to other airlines and this has made it to become a market leader in the airline industry. There are however other factors that has led to the success of South west airlines and they include the organization structure, organization culture and leadership, the following is an analysis of the company’s structure, culture and leadership compared to its competitors. Organization structures include the flat structures, tall structures, hierarchical structure, centralized and decentralized structures and each structure adopted has advantages and disadvantage associated. The company is organized in a hierarchical structure whereby top workers include the CEO and executive vice presidents. (Hoffer, 29) The advantage of this structure is that authority and a responsibility are clearly defined. Clearly defined roles help in reducing conflicts in an organization and also help in improving productivity and specialization. The other advantage associated with the hierarchical structure is that promotion paths are clearly defined. This means that workers are well motivated to achieve higher positions in the organization, promotion is based on performance and therefore top managers are well aware of the operations and activities in their division. High productivity is achieved where worker are motivated to improve performance which in turn leads to high profitability. (McCartney, 2007) Managers are specialized in the hierarchical structure, managers are promoted from non managerial positions in the organization and also from the same division they work and therefore they specialize in the same position and this ensures efficiency in the company. The other advantage of this structure realized by the Southwest airline is that workers are more loyal to their divisions; the company is divided in several divisions and these department help in improving productivity of workers through
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Reasons Why Abortion Should Not Be Legalized Essay
The Reasons Why Abortion Should Not Be Legalized - Essay Example Some countries recognize abortion, while in others, it is deemed illegal. In any case, abortion is a controversial topic because it is regarded as a serious moral issue. As such, this argumentative paper seeks to critique an op-ed paper by Anton which is entitled, â€Å"Abortion Should Be Legal†. Antoni argues that the choice to have an abortion or not should be left to the women concerned. However, he also suggested that abortion should be illegal. The author of this paper’s stand is to make abortion illegal except for unusual circumstances which will be discussed in this paper. This paper will start by summarising the points made in this op-ed paper. The second part seeks to critique why abortion should not be legalised. A synthesis of the whole discussion will be carried out at the end of the paper in order to articulate the position taken by this writer. According to the Antoni’s op-ed article entitled â€Å"Abortion Should be Legal†, there are differe nt reasons why women should be given the opportunity to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Mandy Warton supports Antoni’s view of free choice to abort (6) and suggests that abortion should be seen as the last resort for women to gain control of their lives after horrific situations leading to their pregnancies. In some cases, pregnancy is a result of incest or rape. It is advocated that the woman should have a choice of terminating the pregnancy in such a situation. ... In some circumstances, pregnancy may be terminated if it endangers the life of the fetus or the mother, and the author shares this view. It may not be a noble idea to have a deformed child as he or she may not enjoy the life of a normal human being. In some instances, if the life of the mother is endangered as a result of the pregnancy, it can be terminated to avoid death. However, in most instances, pregnancies are not a result of accident or crime. Teen pregnancies in particular are very common in different societies. In America, it is estimated that more than one million teenagers get pregnant each year (Gutman 2). According to the information obtained from this website, Teen pregnancy rates in USA, the US has the highest number of teen pregnancies in the industrialized world. Whilst there are about 750,000 teen pregnancies reported annually, about eight out of ten of these pregnancies are not planned ( It can ther efore be strongly argued that abortion is not a solution to unwanted pregnancies. The root cause of unwanted pregnancies should be addressed, which brings the author to the suggestion that abortion should not be legalized in these cases. It can also be seen that the trend of increased teen pregnancies is similar in many other countries where youths in particular get involved in sexual activities without properly considering the consequences. According to statistics given above, it is unimaginable that close to a million lives can be terminated through abortion as a result of reckless behavior by the teenagers. Carelessness is the main root cause of teen pregnancies given that some of them have misguided conceptions that
Knight or The Lady and discuss Essay Example for Free
Knight or The Lady and discuss Essay Decide Whether Keats Creates Sympathy For The Knight Or The Lady And Discuss How He Does This In this essay I will be discussing how Keats tries to make the readers sympathise with the characters in the poem. From my point of view I think that Keats tries to make you sympathise with both characters the woman and the knight in this play. When you read it the first time you only recognize one layer of the poem, which tells you about the suffering, the man is going through and how he is so depressed. The surroundings help to make you sympathise with him And no birds sing. The surroundings create a mental picture of dullness and quietness in where he is. The first verses of the poem describe his surroundings. This creates imagery in the readers mind. When you read the poem the first time you become sympathised with the knight. As things are mentioned in the poem you do not entirely understand for example I see a lily on thy brow. When you read into it you realise this mean he is depressed. But when he meets this lady he gets happier. But at the end he has a dream in which the people say la belle dame sans merci and he thinks he is one of the long line of people who have been used by the femme fatale or fatal woman. But when you read it a few times more and read each line carefully you realise some things. The things you realise tend to balance out your view on which character seems to receive the most sympathy. Firstly in this poem she has no voice. This in turn means that she cannot express herself like the mean expresses himself and his sadness. She cannot defend herself, as she has no voice. Because of this you can have many of your own interpretations of the woman in the poem. The woman in this poem seems almost to have a supernatural presence. Some things in the poem suggest this for example the first few lines describing her describe her as a faerys child. Even her appearance seems to be supernatural. He describes her as having wild eyes. As she is seen as supernatural the readers would have less sympathy with her, as she may not seem human. Some things when first read might me misinterpreted or might have more than one interpretation. For example it says And made sweet moan. This could mean that she is moaning in pleasure or it could also mean she is moaning in a bad way as in she is unhappy. Thats why the first time you read the poem you do not fully understand the poem and you cannot understand the womans feelings and therefore will not be given a chance to sympathise with the women. At the end of the poem the man has a dream and when he wakes up and the women is gone. This part makes us sympathise with the man because we think the woman without mercy has used him. At the end of the poem he is as sad as he was in the beginning. And the dull surroundings have returned, Though the sedge has witherd from the lake. He seems to be alone and loitering in the end as he was in the beginning. But I dont think it is totally the womans fault because he was a passive victim and he followed her as she led him. We may think that he is a victim of a supernatural person as she is often described like this. But when you think about it she hasnt committed a crime. She did make him happy even if she it for a while and you cannot tell that she was happy herself. She seemed to lead him instead of the other way round She took me to her elfin grot overall I dont think the writer creates sympathy for only one person but for both but it depends on how you view the poem.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Holy Virgin Mother Mary Essay Example for Free
The Holy Virgin Mother Mary Essay The Holy Virgin Mother Mary,by Chris Ofili, is one of the many controversial pieces of artwork to rise to fame in the late nineties. Taken as highly offense to the religious community due to the portraits exposed breast, hints of pornographic material,elephant dung and seemingly downgrading use of the sacred image of Mother Mary. Due to Ofilis inappropriate interpretation of real art, he received countless criticisms about his work including threats and vandalism against The Holy Virgin Mother Mary. The portrait has a 2D shape,very flat with little to no depth. My eye is drawn directly to the blue rosebud in the center of the portrait,which turns out to be the breast of the Holy Virgin Mary,after reading a little into the background of this portrait. Multiple round putty-like splatters are spread out around the painting. If you look closely you can determine that these are pornographic cutouts pasted all along and around the painting. The foreground of the painting tends to blend with the background and the only thing separating the Virgin Mary from the bright yellows and oranges is a soft thin line. The Holy Virgin Mary depicts a woman of African descent and clothed in turquoise blue robes in a similar manner as mother Mary. Small round objects float about the painting in a random and unorganized manner,which represents an ironic reference to the putti that appear in traditional religious art. The Holy Virgin Mother Mary sit centers around a yellow and orange background. Ofili started using dried-out elephant dung for the first time after a visit to Zimbabwe in 1992, his first ever trip to Africa. He was so taken by this experience that he wanted to import something of the African landscape into his paintings. In order to compensate for the foul nature of the dung, however, he took special care to make the overall effect of his paintings especially attractive. He did so by making richly-layered decorative surfaces. Ofili employed mixed media, including oil paint, glitter, and polyester resin,and collaged pornographic images in this painting, incorporating colored dots, sparkling glitter, polyester resin, map pins, collage cut-outs, all carefully combined into a dazzling display of vibrant folksy energy. A lump of dried, varnished elephant dung orms one bared breast, and the painting is displayed leaning against the gallery wall, supported by two other lumps of elephant dung, decorated with colored pins. The pins on the left are arranged to spell out Virgin and the one on the right Mary. (BBC News) In an interview, the British artist Chris Ofili discusses his work. He asserts that his paintings are part of hip-hop culture, and states that his work operates on multiple levels and is open to interpretation. He explains his intention of transforming everyday junk and aspects of contemporary culture into thought-provoking images, noting the importance of his identity as a Londoner. He discusses his techniques and current projects, and explains the importance of music, drawing parallels between his concerns and those of contemporary hip-hop and soul artists. He considers his painting The Holy Virgin Mary with reference to issues including the stereotyping of black women, the paradox of the virgin mother, and notions of beauty and caricature, and concludes by asserting that art can be constructed from anything and should be unrestricted by cultural norms(Miller, Paul D). It is perhaps Marys role as virgin and mother that best captures the paradoxical character of her identity and her imagery. Mary has often been cast as the counterpoint to Eve,as the agent of sin and death versus woman as vehicle of redemption. Yet, remember, Mary also bore a son. In one fourteenth-century book, the Annunciation scene is surrounded by cats, rabbits, monkeys, and flirtatious girls and boys to contrast the Virgins chastity with worldly carnality and simultaneously to offer a message of fertility(College Street Journal). I think that Ofilis imagery must be seen against this,contradictory visual history and in terms of the personal and universal that has underlain much of art connected with the Virgin. Ofili depicts her features and uses elephant dung to connect her in a basic way to the African earth and its people. To depict the The Holy Virgin Mary as a beautiful piece of art, is a bit of a stretch for me. It is a unique work of art that expresses the artists views on certain religious phenomena and worldly stereotypes.
Strengths and weaknesses in sampling
Strengths and weaknesses in sampling Firstly, it is essential to understand a sample, and its purpose. A sample can be defined as a section of a population who are selected to be participants in a study. The specific selection of participants is chosen to give an overall representation of the whole population. Due to a variety of factors, particularly money and time constraints, it is not always possible to study the entire population, with the sample taking a considerable amount time, that when the sample if complete, the data acquired may no longer be representative of the population. As a result a sample is conducted, considered to be part of the population which is observed. (Cochran, 1977) Without sufficient forms of sampling, generalising with a respectable degree of accuracy is unachievable. There are 2 types of sampling, non-random and random, and this sampling is reliant upon the notion of unsystematic selection. The basic principles denote that in order to provide generalisations related to unique population, the characteristics of the sample must reflect the characteristics of the unique population that has participated in the sample. Thus, a sample can be understood as a miniature population. The only accurate alternative would be to select the entire population to take part in the sample. Whilst there are scenarios where this could be achieved, it is highly unlikely that this could be achieved, but for the population being small enough. When conducting a sample, many see a direct relationship between the overall accuracy of the sample and the population used to create the sample. Consequently, several people will consider a sample to be more accurate when the population used within the sample is greater. This is not necessarily true, as a sample of 100,000 people will not be 10 times as accurate as a sample with a population of 10,000. When conducting a sample, it is essential to consider a variety of factors when calculating the size of the sample that will be used. For example, the cost of the sample, the time duration of the sample, and the size of the population that will be used in order to obtain relevant information and the level of sampling error that will occur once the results of the sample are complete. However, using a larger population when conducting a sample leads to less sampling error, also known as standard error. Therefore, this simply insinuates that the larger the sample, the smaller the error. As a result, those chosen for national samples and national surveys are assiduously selected, resulting in specific samples of only 2,000-3,000. With participants for samples and surveys being specifically selected, the level of sampling error diminishes considerably; nevertheless it is imperative to remember that sampling error can never be eliminated, irrespective of population size. (Barnett, 1991) Random sampling, also referred to as probability sampling, involves a type of random selection which is responsible for choosing the element of the sample. Considerably more confidence can be found in random sampling compared to non-random sampling. The main methods when conducting random sampling include cluster, simple random, stratified random and systematic. The selection procedure ensures each element within the population has an equal, as well an independent chance of being selected to take part in the sample. The elements within a non-random sample are selected through non-random method. This has a detrimental effect on producing representative samples compared to random sampling. However, many researchers still choose to use non-random samples when conducting their research. Their non-random samples are determined by the 3 main methods used within the sample; convenience, purposive and quota. Random samplingensures that each and every member within the population has an equal and identical chance of being included within a sample. Thus, many believe random sampling to be the easiest, fastest and simplest method in order to draw a sample from a population. When choosing random sampling to conduct research, it is essential to have a complete and full list of the population in order to select a completely random sample. (Jessen, 1978) However, this can be seen as very difficult to accomplish. Developing a thorough population list is considerably simpler when using a distinct and smaller population. Several researchers and those involved in conducting samples consider random sampling to be most beneficial, believing random sampling should be used as often as possible. This is very much due to random sampling highlighting authentic, realistic and reliable generalisations. For example, researchers would prefer to conduct a random sample of 100 people, rather than a non-random a sample of 1,000 people, therefore highlighting random sampling as a general preference amongst those who are responsible for conducting samples. Accordingly the advantages of using random sampling are that the population sample is only influenced by chance, ensuring the sample is fair, non-biased and non-discriminative. However, obtaining a list of the entire population is complicated, and as a result this can prevent entirely random sampling. (Wiley, 1992) The method of systematic sampling consists of two factors that will determine involvement in the sample, and they are chance and the system. This system can be described as the process of facilitating random selection within systematic sampling. For instance, when selecting a sample of 50 names from the population of 100, instead of random selection taking place within the population to determine who takes part in the sample, a researcher may select every second name from within the population to take part in the sample. Systematic sampling can as similar to random sampling, unless a systematic bias is evident through the presentation of names on the population list. However, it is very simple to avoid a systematic bias from occurring, through examining the list prior to conducting the sample, as well as communicating with those in charge of putting together the list, asking how the list was assembled. (Foreman, 1991) Quota sampling is a type of sampling that is frequently used in market research and in opinion polls. Those conducting the sample are given a quota of specified subjects to recruit. For example, when conducting a sample concerning favourite music, the interviewer might be asked to find and select 10 adult females, 10 adult males, 10 teenage boys and 10 teenage girls. (Wiley, 1992) However, many imperfections exist when conducting a quota sample, with the simplest fault being that the sample is not random; consequently this means that the sampling distributions of all and any statistics are unknown. The non-random sample is selected in a precise and specific manner in order to ensure that the known characteristics correspond with the overall population sample. When conducting a quota sample, it may be advantageous to set the quotas before the sample is selected; in spite of this it is also possible to use quota sampling strategies spontaneously. Some researchers may feel that it is no t beneficial to carry out research prior to conducting the sample as they are working with an intact group. As a result, the researcher may include questions concerning the characteristics of his respondents; this is in addition to questions related to the outcome variables. The additional questions to those within the questionnaire should concentrate on the topics that are most expected to introduce biases. Once the data has been has been analysed, in order to validate that there are no obvious biases, the researcher could compare and contrast the characteristics between the population and the sample. For example, a small association with a minor budget may want to conduct a private investigation to find out the attitudes, opinion and viewpoints of British University students concerning alcohol and drug issues. Being realistic, the association will believe that the students will respond to the questions by giving socially desirable answers. Therefore, the organisation may hire a co unsellor/researcher from a local University in order to meet the students, gradually build a strong rapport with the students, and this will result in the students feeling calm and comfortable around the counsellor/researcher, meaning they are considerably more likely to respond to questions with authentic, realistic and truthful answers. (Cochran, 1977) Planning prior to conducting a quota-sampling greatly minimises differences, ultimately leaving the researcher with more accurate and precise results. A significant advantage of using quota sampling is that it can be used when random sampling is impossible; quota sampling is also a very simple process that is quick to carry out, and therefore an ideal form of sampling when restricted by time constraints. However, within the quota sample, biases may still exist, with them being difficult to eliminate as they are not controlled by the quota sampling. (Kalton, 1983) Stratified sampling involves putting the members of the population into categories/groups. The advantages of using stratified sampling are that is focuses on the priority subpopulations, ignoring the less relevant subpopulations. Stratified sampling also allows the use of different sampling techniques for different subpopulations, this considerably improves the overall accuracy of the hypotheses and result, in addition to being a practical and valuable solution to sampling when the population is too large to use in one long list. However, the selection of relevant stratification of variables is difficult to achieve, with the data not permanently useful when there are no identical or similar categories/groups. Stratification sampling is also an expensive form of sampling as it requires accurate information about the population that is being used, with the risk of biases being introduced due to there being errors within the measurements, or a clear bias when the selection takes place. Stratified sampling can also be combined with other sampling techniques in order to achieve the most accurate results possible. (Barnett, 1991) Quota sampling and stratified have some very clear similarities. Both specify the number of subjects that are to be included within the sample based on selected characteristics. The function of quota sampling is to ensure the sample gives an accurate, genuine and realistic representation of the population regarding important characteristics that have been put into place prior to the sample being conducted. This is achieved through subjects with specific characteristics that have been placed into sub-categories containing similar populations. Stratified sampling can be seen to take place in order to ensure adequate and ample numbers for sub-analysis once the sample has been concluded. (Foreman, 1991) Many respected organisations and researchers are forced to rely and use non-random sampling due to random sampling being difficult to accomplish. Non-random sampling can be clearly justified if it is highly unlikely, or impossible, to conduct a truly random sample. As a result of these difficulties, the organisations and researchers are most likely to resort to conducting a quota sample or stratified sample. (Kalton, 1983) Cluster sampling involves the population being divided into groups, or clusters. The researchers involved randomly select the clusters to be included in the sample, with each element being assigned to one group solely. Providing the size of the sample is continuous across all the sampling methods, cluster sampling does not provide as much accuracy as other sampling methods, namely random sampling and stratified sampling. Thus, it is logical for people to ask, when conducting a sample, why use cluster sampling? With the answer being when using a limited budget to conduct the sample, the researcher(s) will be able to use a bigger sample using the cluster sampling method, with the increased size of the sample compensating for and counteracting the deficit of precision. Therefore, when on a limited budget for a sample, cluster sampling may be seen as the most appropriate and suitable method to use. (Jessen, 1978) Convenience samples are conducted through the researcher, at their own convenience and discretion, choosing whether to make a valid attempt to ensure the sample is an accurate representation of the general population. An example of this is the researcher standing in a public area, for instance a shopping centre, and choosing who to stop and ask question and/or fill out a survey. Therefore convenience sampling is a form of non-random sampling, meaning the data obtained is inconsistent and does not give an accurate representation of the whole population. Whilst it is difficult to generalise the results of a convenience sample, they can still be informative, although not used by many to gain information and statistics. (Wiley, 1992) When choosing a sampling method, it is essential to choose the method that most effectively links the particular goals involved. Budget can greatly affect the sampling method chosen, therefore it is important to ensure the sample is as accurate and precise as possible, identifying the types of sampling method that will bring the best results, achieving the goals set prior to sample being conducted. Therefore, it is not possible to choose an outstanding sampling method, as each method is dependant on a variety of factor, as mentioned before such as budget, population size and time constraints. It is the responsibility of the researcher to pick the best method, studied to the sample in order to illustrate a fair and realistic representation of the population. Bibliography Barnett, V. 1991. Sample Survey Principles and Methods. Edward Arnold, London, 173pp. Cochran, W.G. 1977. Sampling Techniques, third edition. John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, 428pp. Foreman, E.K. 1991. Survey Sampling Principles. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY. Jessen, R.J. 1978. Statistical Survey Techniques. John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York. Kalton, G. 1983. Introduction to Survey Sampling. Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences 35, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 96pp. Levy, P.S. and S. Lemeshow. 1991. Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications. John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, 420pp. Thompson, S.K. 1992. Sampling. John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, 343pp.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Recruiting Source Choices Internal vs. External
Recruiting Source Choices Internal vs. External The article is about recruitment source choices. The author was studying internal and external recruitment methods to find out which one is appropriate and in which situation it is applicable. The recruitment source selection is a course step, which is mostly about the combination of the cost and the speed of the selection of the new worker. The major issue for the human resource recruiter is about the preference between the internal and external recruitment. The tool used in was use examination of secondary information. The population studied was the employees. Internal recruitment offers the opportunity to the workers of the organization; however it is not appropriate for all the job vacancies. External recruitment is costly, it takes longer time and the new worker does not know the organization moreover the learning curve is not complex. Internal recruitment is the best tool for the job vacancies, this is because the experience is available within the organization furthermore; it enables the use of human capital competently as the employees shift to the job positions, the employees value added for the company is maximized ( External recruitment is appropriate for the job vacancy where the company needs to improve its competence for the external know-how and for the job positions, which are private and they cannot be declared internally to employees. The external recruitment is mostly used when the organization needs stability and the employees cannot shift from the job position to another. Internal recruitment is the best recruitment tool when the organization improves its processes and services given to the other divisions in the organization or to the external clients. The external recruitment ought to be used when the company wants to introduce a new field of the corporation and it needs to increase an expertise and knowledge quickly. Section 2 How does having multiple recruiting means help enterprise establish its brand? Having multiple recruiting means help enterprise establish its brand because it offers variety of choices to all clients. By doing this it expands the range n which the firm reaches its clients. For instance since the company has an MTV show, an online game and other recruitment methods, clients choose the method they like most. The MTV show is very interesting and it has attracted many candidates. The contenders were asked questions and were judged in relation to their answers, since three out of four candidates were offered jobs, this has attracted many contenders and as a result there were many referrals. The variety of activities in the firm has helped in enterprise recruitment which has accordingly assisted its strategic goal of launching its employment brand. This is because the program combines all of enterprise recruitment resources and advertisement its website as well as other recruitment efforts. The television show and the online games were attention getters but what has made the enterprise expand the most is from employee referrals. The enterprise workers who refer candidates are heavily rewarded to up to $500 to $1,500 and additionally get permanent employment. It is an advantage since the referrals check out the firm and mention the enterprise to others thereby expanding the pool of potential recruits. This has really helped the enterprise8 in establishing its brand. Go to the enterprise website ( and the click on tab About Enterprise. Check out the online game, career opportunities and other components. Then evaluate how effective you feel the website is an employment branding and recruiting The companys website give me the business is very popular. The game lets people have an experience of a customer service corporation. It is virtual marketing of enterprise and its fun culture as a result; it is an employment branding and recruiting resource. The graphics, web contents, and designs bring credit for the firm. The companys website is scalable and of high quality hence very effective. It is a specialized website since it offers the most-valuable messages, services such as games and specific products to his clients and since any one can browse and scrutinize about the services profoundly and independently it is an employment branding and recruiting resource. Section 3 What are some advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally versus recruiting externally? Advantages of internal recruitment are that; it is less expensive since it does not involve paying external agency for recruitment. It improves the morale of existing employees; there is recognition and reward of the excellent performance of internal employees. Internal recruitment reinforces and supports the organizations succession planning strategies. Internal staffs have existing information accessible about their skills. Disadvantages of internal recruitment are that it can reinforce existing negative behavior; there will be the risk of in breeding. Employees that are not promoted can become unhappy. In internal recruitment a strong performance management structure is required and it can promote political infighting amongst internal employees. Advantages of external recruitment are that; it avoids the risk of forming resentment by endorsing the favorites from the inside. The employees from the outside introduce fresh ideas, skills and knowledge. External recruitment forces internal staff to update their skills and education; it helps to facilitate change in mores. The disadvantages of external recruitment are that; new employees may not fit the existing customs within the organization. It might affect the morale of internal employees who have been over-looked. It needs a longer period of orientation and induction; assists to facilitate change in customs in the organization. Another disadvantage is that it may take longer to fill up the position and it may as well create resentment from existing workers (
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